At the last annual meeting of the FishBase Consortium, held 5-7 September 2023 in Tervuren, Belgium, it was decided that the next FishBase/SeaLifeBase Symposium, traditionally held before the FishBase Consortium meeting, to be held in early September 2024 in Thessaloniki, Greece, would last two days, with the first devoted to a session on the Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory, or GOLT.
The GOLT, whose first elements originated with the 1979 doctoral thesis of Daniel Pauly, has now developed into a set of mutually supportive hypotheses explaining multiple aspects of the growth, reproduction, feeding, migration, and various other aspects of the biology and behaviour of fish and other water-breathing ectotherms (WBE), based on the tension between the oxygen supply provided by a 2D respiratory surface and the oxygen demand of 3D bodies.
Contributions to the GOLT session of the FishBase/SeaLifeBase Symposium are sought that will engage constructively with this theory and its constitutive hypotheses, by testing its applicability to new topics or taxa, and/or quantifying some of its qualitative predictions.
Inquiries regarding potential participation in this GOLT session or to the entire symposium, either in person or by Zoom, should be directed to the Chair of the FishBase Consortium, Dr. Athanassios Tsikliras (atsik[at] and copied to Dr. Daniel Pauly (d.pauly[at]
Details regarding formal participation will become available on this website in early 2024.