
Jump to: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000


June 26: Oceanographic Magazine: Unlocking the secret powers of the ocean floor by Matt Jarvis, Henley Spiers, Michiel Vos and Shannon Moran
June 17: Excelencias Gourmet: Inaugurado VI Encuentro de los Mares, único congreso mundial que vincula gastronomía, ciencia y pesca by Staff Writer
June 13: Siete Caníbales: El VI Encuentro de los Mares reúne en Tenerife a expertos mundiales en nutrición azul, gestión de pesca y gastronomía del mar by Staff Writer
June 8: Forbes: How climate change is impacting oceans around the world by Jamie Hailstone
June 8: The Spectator: Why must we be in constant battle with the ocean? by Rose George
April 3: GEO: Vorher-Nachher-Bilder zeigen dramatischen Vogelschwund in Norwegen by Peter Carstens
January 23: Outside Magazine: Sea Shepherd’s Sea Change by Tristram Korten
January 9: Newsweek: Sushi threatened as popular ingredient biomass halved since 1950 by Robyn White


December 21: La Nuova Ecologia: Annuario 2023: l’ambiente in 100 notizie by Fabio Dessì
November 13: Usbek & Rica: L’amnésie écologique : ce mal silencieux qui se transmet de génération en génération by Auriane Clostre
October 2023: New Zealand Geographic: Bottom Feeding by Kate Evans
October 16: L’Obs: Comment arrivons-nous à ignorer les changements du monde, surtout les pires ? by Véronique Radier
October 11: Harper’s Bazaar: 36 Forces Shaping the Cultural Conversation by Staff Writer
October 8: Harper’s Bazaar India: From designer Tory Burch to artist Lauren Halsey, these creative visionaries are the icons of the 21st century by Staff Writer
September 15: Ça m’intéresse: L’Océan vu du cœur : baleines, coraux, poissons… les infos positives qu’on retient du documentaire avec Hubert Reeves by Emma Derome
September 15: Yachting Monthly: Brian Black Memorial Award winner 2023: adventure on thin ice by Staff Writer
July 31: Vogue: On her transcendent new album, Anohni finds new ways to be hopeful by Liam Hess
June 30: Ocean Sustainability: What we know about the new High Seas Treaty by Kristin Deasy
June 29: Science News: Humans exploit about one-third of wild vertebrate species by Sid Perkins
June 21: Science Advances: UN multilateral agreement offers an opportunity to protect high seas biodiversity by Jennifer Jacquet, Gabrielle Carmine and Jeremy Jackson
April 13: Uzbek & Rica: « Au fil des générations, il y a une perte de savoir sur l’état de la nature » by Emilie Echaroux
March 22: Knowable Magazine: Not enough fish in the sea by Nicola Jones
March 6: TIME: These Black icons have a novel idea to save the ocean by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
February 27: Oceanographic Magazine: Advancing ocean justice by Kristin Deasy
February 26: Vanguard Magazine: Maritime Security Challenges Conference 2022 Overview by Kathleen Baxter
February 24: Kodami: Il Tyler Prize per l’ambiente a Pauly e Sumaila: «La pesca in alto mare va vietata subito» by Simona Sirianni
February 7: Oceana Magazine: Ask Dr. Pauly: Why are we giving subsidies to the fishing industry? by Daniel Pauly
January 19: The New Republic: Davos still sucks by Heather Souvaine Horn


December 28: The Atlantic: Will children’s books become catalogs of the extinct? by Tatiana Schlossberg
December 21: Smithsonian Magazine: Unearthing the original Mediterranean diet by Paul Greenberg, Hakai
December 18: Popular Science: An archeologist’s quest to find seafood’s place on the ancient Mediterranean menu by Paul Greenberg
December 13: Hakai Magazine: Unearthing the original Mediterranean diet by Paul Greenberg
November 16: Environnement Magazine: Les lanceurs d’alerte à l’honneur à Paris by Anthony Laurent
November 4: The Walrus: Mass murder on the high seas by Sarah Tory
November 1: High Country News: Antidotes for ecological forgetfulness by Jason Mark
October 20: Science Magazine: How do you protect fish that swim beyond your safety net? by Erik Stokstad
October 18: Hakai Magazine: Muder at sea by Sarah Tory
August 27: Paris Match: Surpêche : les images d’un désastre à l’échelle du monde by Karen Isère
August 16: Geographical: Restoring oyster reefs to protect English waters by Jacob Dykes
August: Taiwan Panorama: 向海學習永續 by Wen·Su Liying and Tu·Lin Minxuan
July 28: National Geographic Indonesia: Dunia hewan: Pertumbuhan trilobita purba mirip krustasea laut modern by Wawan Setiawan
July 25: Discover Magazine: The slow and steady growth of trilobites by Sam Walters
July 6: Mondiaal Niuws: ‘Afrikaanse vissers hebben een reddingsboei nodig of ze gaan kopje-onder’ by IPS/The Conversation
June 17: Adirondack Explorer: Mapping summer temperatures across the Adirondacks by Cayte Bosler
June 16: Fishing World: ENVIRONMENT: Bottom trawling impacts by John Newbery
May 28: National Geographic: Pourquoi sommes-nous si lents à agir pour l’environnement ? by Manon Meyer-Hilfiger
May 10: Smithsonian Magazine: See a new interactive map of indigenous fishing practices around the Pacific Rim by Elisabeth King
April 22: Bon Appétit: Sushi as we know it will not survive. Can the restaurant industry reinvent it? by Aliza Abarbanel
April 1: Usbek & Rica: Tout va bien, l’Angleterre relève son seuil d’alerte pour les vagues de chaleur by Pablo Maillé
March 3: Fish and Fisheries: The Ocean’s whistleblower: The remarkable life and work of Daniel Pauly by Grémillet David by Robert Arlinghaus
March 3: Cosmos: How much protein has been removed from the oceans in the last 50 years? by Amalyah Hart
March: Terre Sauvage: Daniel Pauly: Combattant des océans by Elodie Berthaud
March 1: Samudra Report: A life by the sea by Cornelia E Nauen
February 20: Pique: A million and counting: part 2 by Leslie Anthony
February 16: Industrias Pesqueras: Investigadores desarrollan un modelo simple para predecir la adaptación del desove al cambio climático by Staff Writer
January 2: GEO: Une planète a protéger: pêcheries by Paul Greenberg and George Steinmetz


December 20: Canadian Geographic: Excerpt: The Ocean’s Whistleblower by Staff Writer
December 16: Geographical Magazine: Restoring the oyster reefs of old to protect English waters by Jacob Dykes
December: Oceana Magazine: CEO Note by Andy Sharpless
December 1: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment: Collapse of Canadian cod fishery avoidable by Ken Ferguson
November 21: Pique News Magazine: Fork in the Road: All in after the lights went off in Glasgow by Glenda Bartosh
November 17: Hakai Magazine: Want to save a failing fishery? Take the long view by Brian Owens
October 24: Wired: Whitewashing ‘blue food’ won’t make the world more green by Jan Dutkiewicz and Spencer Roberts
October 9: Impact Campus: Je pense, donc j’oublie by Marilou Fortin-Guay
October 6: Knack: ‘Overbevissing, fake labels en maffiapraktijken: er hangt een geurtje aan de vis op uw bord’ by Staf Henderickx
September 28: Maritime Executive: The tough start and groundbreaking career of UBC’s Dr. Daniel Pauly by Staff Writer
September 23: Scientific American: Bringing fisheries back from the brink by Richard Schiffman
September 19: Science & Vie: Surpêche, Seaspiracy, réchauffement climatique : état des lieux avec Daniel Pauly by Guillaume Marchand
September: Bleu Tomate Le Mag: Opera Mundi participe à UICN Marseille 2021 by Staff Writer
August 31: Canadian Geographic: Study of 500 years of cod catch data shows collapse could have been avoided by Alexandra Pope
August 16: Culture Magazin: Canadian researchers gain global recognition by Giao Châu
June 23: Wired: The coelacanth may live for a century. That’s not great news by Max G. Levy
June 8: Forbes: The promise of sustainable fisheries: A chat with actor, Sam Waterston by Daphne Ewing-Chow
May 26: Diálogo Américas: China’s global predatory fishing plunders world’s oceans by Ian Urbina
April 20: Outside Magazine: 3 documentaries to watch instead of ‘Seaspiracy’ by Svati Kirsten Narula
April 7: Alta Live: Imagine a wilder future by Will Hearst
March 23: Smithsonian Magazine: How will commercial fishing pressure affect skipjack tuna? by Christopher Pollon
March 2: Hakai Magazine: Tuna’s last stand by Christopher Pollon
March: Universities Canada: Daniel Pauly: Using data to fight back
against overfishing
by Helen Murphy
February 8: The Monthly: A reef history of time by James Bradley
February 5: Mother Jones: Humans are walloping sea creatures with deadly, disorienting noise by Damian Carrington
February 5: Lifo: Η ηχορύπανση από τον άνθρωπο βλάπτει την θαλάσσια ζωή Πηγή by Staff Writer
January 20: De Groene Amsterdammer: ‘Ze zijn hard op weg de zee leeg te plunderen’ by Bram Logger and Parcival Weijnen
January 11: Earth Island Journal: Tragedy of the commodified by Austin Price
January 3: Blue Dot Magazine: Marine Reserves similar to a time machine by Sarah Nibel Bousdjira


December 10: Revista National Geo: Catorce países se comprometen a proteger los océanos en una rara muestra de solidaridad by Laura Parker
December 9: National Geographic: Em rara demonstração de solidariedade, 14 nações se comprometem a proteger oceanos by Laura Parker
December 9: Hyundai Ocean: 어선수에따른어획량의변화 by Yeong-il Seo
December 4: National Geographic: In rare show of solidarity, 14 key nations commit to protect oceans by Laura Parker
November 30: Foreing Policy: China’s monster fishing fleet by Christopher Pala
November 24: Outside Magazine: The new wave of fishless fish is here by Rowan Jacobsen
November 18: Política Exterior: La flota pesquera china, corsarios del siglo XXI by Luis Esteban G. Manrique
October 15: Canadian Business: Thinkific, an e-learning platform company, was way ahead of the curve by Ishani Nath
October 8: Industrias Pesqueras: Sea Around Us denuncia la sobreexplotación de 26 stocks del golfo de Guinea by Staff Writer
September 16: Anthropocene Magazine: Is there an antidote to shifting baseline syndrome? by Cara Giaimo
August 28: The Atlantic: The empty space where normal once lived by Bathsheba Demuth
August 20: Smithsonian Magazine: The hunt for the modern-day pirates who steal millions of tons of fish from the seas by Tristam Korten
August 6: Industrias Pesqueras: La seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, en el eje de la gestión pesquera según Sea Around Us by Staff Writer
July 22: Industrias Pesqueras: El reloj anaranjado, el pulpo común y el caracol rosado son las especies que se encuentran ante un declive más acentuado by Staff Writer
July 20: Business in Vancouver: How sustainable is B.C. seafood? by Nelson Bennett
June 15: We Demain: Laure Noualhat vs Noël Mamère: La terre peut-elle nourrir 11 milliards d’humains? by Gérard Leclerc
May 18: Undark: Looking more deeply into the past to gauge the planet’s future by James Dinneen
April 17: Charlie Hebdo: Pêche : il faut foutre la paix aux océans by Fabrice Nicolino
April 8: Smithsonian Magazine: With boats stuck in harbor because of COVID-19, will fish bounce back? by Tristram Korten
April 4: Economic & Political Weekly: The troubled ascent of a marine ring seine fishery in Tamil Nadu by Maarten Bavinck
April 4: Tauch Journal: Wie geht es eigentlich Leierfisch, Petermännchen und Steinpicker? by Staff Writer
March 14: Hakai Magazine: Plastic pollution’s rapidly mounting toll by James Urquhart
March 13: Food and Drink International: Billions lost to illicit fisheries trade each year, report reveals by Dominic Cuthbert
March 8: Forbes: The invisible women of small scale fisheries contribute 11% of global catch by Ariella Simke
February 28: Wissenschaft: Milliardenverluste durch illegale Fischerei by Daniela Albat
February 27: Der Spiegel: Illegale Fischerei führt zu Milliardenverlusten by Staff Writer
February 27: Science: An ancient empire hiding in plain sight, and the billion-dollar cost of illegal fishing by Sarah Crespi, Kiki Sanford, Lizzie Wade
February 14: Science: Sidney Holt (1926–2019) by Daniel Pauly
February 4: El Cultural: La Fundación BBVA premia a Duarte, Hughes y Pauly por sus descubrimientos sobre los océanos by Staff Writer
January 31: Nature: Fishing for fun takes a massive bite out of marine life by Staff Writer
January 27: Watershed Sentinel: The “generational amnesia” of scientific baselines
by Loys Maingon


December 26: Charlie Hebdo: Dérèglement climatique : les poissons manquent d’oxygène by Fabrice Nicolino
December 13: Nature: Robots, hominins and superconductors: 10 remarkable papers from 2019 by Staff Writer
December 11: New Scientist: Young people can’t remember how much more wildlife there used to be by Adam Vaughan
October 12: Revista Visão: Se continuarmos a pescar a este ritmo, atum pode acabar by Staff Writer
October 10: Pour La Science: Daniel Pauly: un océan de combats by Loic Mangin
October 7: Food&Wine: Nobody really knows if tuna is sustainable by Mike Pomranz
October 2019-January 2020: Les Energies (Dalkia): Entrevue avec Daniel Pauly by Staff Writer
September 30: Journal of Engineering: University of British Columbia; New technology allows fleets to double fishing capacity — and deplete fish stocks faster by Staff Writer
September 25: Popular Science: Why countries with loads of nutritious fish also have the most malnourished residents by Kat Eschner
September 24: Business News Western Australia: Harnessing the power of our oceans by Peter Veth
September 19: Scientific American: Global warming may dwindle the supply of a key brain nutrient by Bret Stetka
September 19: Industrias Pesqueras: Nuevas tecnología, ¿más sobrepesca? by Staff Writer
September 6: Watershed Centinel: Vanishing Fish: An interview with Dr. Daniel Pauly by Gavin MacRae
August 16: Popular Science: For picky eaters like the parrotfish, climate change is bad news by Marlene Cimons
July 27: Paris Match: Baleines: chronique d’une mort annoncée by Emilie Blachere
July 5: ActuaLitté: Éditions Wildproject : découvrir les racines des humanités environnementales by Antoine Oury
June 21: Roads&Kingdoms: Teach a man to fish by Davide Germano
June 18: Fast Company: Hope you like to eat jellyfish, because they’re taking over the oceans by Talib Visram
June 13: Hakai Magazine: Putting names to fishers’ unidentified sharks by Munyaradzi Makoni
June 5: Usbek & Rica: «On a tendance à s’habituer au déclin la biodiversité» by Blaise Mao
May 31: Broadview: Without government action, Canada’s fish stocks are doomed: biologist by Susan Nerberg
May 28: Nature: World of addiction, zen cosmology, and the impending aquacalypse: Books in brief by Barbara Kiser
May 27: Canadian Gepgraphic: Where have all the fish gone? by Brandon Wei
May 17: Magazine Océano: Acto de homenaje a Daniel Pauly y presentación de un libro sobre él en París by Staff Writer
May 8: Telerama: L’océanographe Daniel Pauly : “Un jour, il ne restera que du poisson d’élevage ou du surimi” by Weronika Zarachowicz
April 16: Rivista Natura: Squali e razze stanno scomparendo dal Mediterraneo by Andrea Di Piazza
April 12: Revue Des Deux Mondes: Surpêche: «les subventions sont le problème principal» by Antoine Lagadec
Spring: The Geographer: The pressure of fisheries on the ocean by Daniel Pauly
March 21: Stern: Wat willste machen by Meike Winnemuth
February 25: Wired: Your Weather Tweets Are Showing Your Climate Amnesia by Adam Rogers


December 12: The Maritime Executive: Study: Fisheries compete with shrinking seabird population for food by Staff Writer
December 11: Sciences et Avenir: La pêche industrielle affame les oiseaux de mer by Bertille Dutheil
November 28: Forbes: Why Saying the U.S. seafood market is “low risk” for slavery is risky by Maisie Ganzler
November 4: L’Obs: Quelle place l’homme doit-il occuper sur la planète? by Xavier de La Porte
October 24: Revista Contexto: El puño escondido: cambio climático, capitalismo y ejército by Nick Buxton
October 24: Hakai: When disaster strikes, go fish by Ben Goldfarb
September 21: Asian Scientist: Shark fins need to be struck off the menu, scientists say by Staff Writer
September 18: Industrias Pesqueras: Científicos apelan a los consumidores asiáticos a que dejen de demandar sopa de aleta by Staff Writer
August 9: Pacific Standard: Are wealthy nations hoarding the world’s fish supply? by Alastair Bland
August 6: Sciences et Avenir: Pêche industrielle: toujours plus loin pour toujours moins by Loïc Chauveau
July 9: Newsweek: 35 percent of fish caught for food is never eaten by Lisa Spear
July 1: National Geographic: Lost at sea: Why the birds you don’t see are fading away by Jonathan Franzen
May 14: The Maritime Executive: Study: $560 Billion Wasted by Bottom Trawling by Staff Writer
May 7: Absatzwirtschaft: “Overfishing and Dolphin Dying” – ARD reveals weaknesses of the MSC seal, but Iglo and Dr. Oetker are faithful to the seal by Sarah Hölting
May 18: Journal de l’environnement: La palme du gaspillage décernée aux chaluts de fond by Staff Writer
May: University of British Columbia: Winning scholarship 2018: A five year review – Daniel Pauly by UBC
April 20: Science: Deep-sea catches undercounted by Staff Writer
April 14: The Maritime Executive: Bottom trawling implicated in fish population collapse by Staff Writer
April 12: New Food: Study finds UN underestimated deep-sea fishing by as much as 42 per cent by George Smith
April 12: Journal de L’environnement: Pêche profonde: des captures largement sous-évaluées by Stéphanie Senet
April 9: Science Magazine: Declining fish populations and policies that favor large operations threaten small fisheries by Daniel Pauly
March 14: UnDark: As Alaskan waters warm, market squid extend their reach northward by Theresa Soley
February 23: Smithsonian: Tracking fishing vessels reveals industry’s toll on the ocean by Marissa Fessenden
February 8: The Atlantic: How extinction shaped the Australian outback by Emma Marris
February 5: The Maritime Executive: Global fisheries catch declining, despite statistics by Staff Writer


December 18: Hakai Magazine: Foreign fleets plundered Somalia’s fish by Munyaradzi Makoni
December 12: The Maritime Executive: Report: Thailand’s fish catch higher than reported by Staff Writer
September 5: Life Science Weekly: Chalcogens; Warmer waters from climate change will leave fish shrinking, gasping for air by Staff Writer
September 2017: Oceana Magazine: Daniel Pauly and George Monbiot in conversation about “shifting baselines syndrome” by Staff Writer
August 28: Popular Science: Fish might be shrinking by Marlene Cimons
August 27: Sciences et Avenir: Face au réchauffement climatique, les poissons rétrécissent by Lison Gevers
August 23: Scientific American: Warming waters could mean smaller fish by Adam Aton
August 21: National Geographic: Climate change may shrink the world’s fish by Craig Welch
July 6: Nature: Trend Watch: Throwaway Culture by Staff Writer
June 29: Smithsonian Magazine: Global fishing fleets waste ten percent of catch by Jason Daley
June 27: Discover Magazine: Fishing fleets threw away 10 percent of their catch over the past decade by Carl Engelking
June 23: Focus: Rache der natur? Bizarre meereskreaturen überschwemmen strände by Michael Odenwald
June 15: Gaia Dergi: Gerçekçi olma zamanı: Denizlerde çok balık yok ve bu bizim hatamız by Halime Erden
May 27: Hakai Magazine: West Africa’s artisanal fishers rival the industrial fleet by Munyaradzi Makoni
May 17: Hakai Magazine: The fish that smells like money by Lily Strelich
April 19: The New York Times Magazine: Our climate future is actually our climate present by Jon Mooallem
March 23: WIRED: Inside China’s almost-totally-legal $400M Africa fishery by Laura Mallonee
March 1: Stanford Social Innovation Review: Stop raising awareness already by Ann Christiano and Annie Niemand
February/March: Armada International: Cost versus credibility by Andrew Drwiega
February 27: Earth Island Journal: New Zealand Fishing Industry Accused of Driving World’s Rarest Dolphin to Extinction by Christopher Pala
February 24: Trek Magazine: No Fish Story by Chris Petty
February 23: Hakai Magazine: Is China’s Hands-Off Approach to Fisheries Producing More Fish? by Erica Gies
February 6: Metode: Daniel Pauly: «It is necessary to eliminate the most destructive fishing methods» by José Luis Sánchez Lizaso
January 16: Visăo: A loucura pelo sushi pode estar a acabar com o atum by Staff Writer
January 4: Mother Jones: A Fish out of Water: Can Iowa farmers help save the world’s seafood supply by Maddie Oatman


November 14: Sport Fishing Magazine: Bahamas Considers Granting Commercial Fishing Rights to Chinese by Larry Smith
July 28: Entreprise Romande Le Magazine: Surpêche: un drame écologique by Pierre Cormon


September 14: Reporterre: Comment scientifiques et écologistes peuvent travailler ensemble. L’example de la surpêche.


May 1: Vancouver Magazine: Are we doing enough to save the oceans? by Andrew Findlay


November 26: The Atlantic: Armed only with Google Earth, 2 researchers caught Iran violating UN Fishing Law by Todd Woody
November 25: Jeune Afrique: Éditorial – La “Chinafrique” et les poissons volés by Marwane Ben Yahmed
April: Magazine Océano: Daniel Pauly, biólogo pesquero: “Los políticos no deberían aumentar la cuota fijada por los científicos” by José Luis Sánchez Lizaso
February 27: Magazine Océano: Daniel Pauly, biólogo pesquero: “No acepto que el stock de atún rojo se haya recuperado” by José Luis Sánchez Lizaso


May 17: Scientific American: Marine Protection Goes for Larger Swaths of Sea by Nicola Jones
May 16: Nature News: Marine protection goes large by Nicola Jones
April 9: Science News: Big fishing yields small fish by Janet Raloff
March 9: L’Hebdo: Un label éclaboussé par la controverse by Linda Bourget
March 5: Azure: A desert in the ocean
March 3: Conservation Magazine: Scientists grapple with measuring the human impact on global fisheries
February 10: Nature News: Artic fishing
February 4: R & D Megazine: Arctic fisheries’ catches 75 times higher than previous reports: UBC research


December 21: Scientific American: What’s the catch? Researchers wrangle over how to measure commercial fishing’s impact on ocean biodiversity by Mike Orcutt
December 16: Down To Earth: Count the bycatch by Tiasa Adhya
December 10: Ocean Power Magazine: New research program to predict the future of oceans launched by Tracy Smith
December 8: Nature News: Islands champion tuna ban by Christopher Pala
November 19: Science: Key indicator of ocean health may be flawed by Erik Stokstad
November 17: New Scientist: Row erupts over number of big fish in the sea
November 17: Nature: ‘Fishing down food chain’ fails global test by Daniel Cressey
October: Crisol: Con grandes areas protgidas, se podria controlar la pesqueria by Patricia Blanco Picado
October: So To Ko To: Sea without fish Q & A
October: National Geographic: Time for a sea change by Paul Greenberg
September 30: Nature: Correspondence on Marine stewardship
September 27: Canadian Business: Food: Something’s fishy by Matthew McClearn
September 1: Nature: Seafood stewardship in crisis
September: Nature: Charismatic carbon
August 30: Conservation Magazine: Pricing protection by David Malakoff
August 2: The New Yorker: The scales fall by Elizabeth Kolbert
August: L’Encre de Mer: Le poisson n’est pas un produit de masse, mais un produit occasionnel qui doit rester festif
August: Nature: Researchers on a mission by Emma Marris
August 1: The Economist: Cod, phytoplankton, and shifting baselines
July 16: Science: How a little fish keeps overfished ecosystem productive by Elizabeth Pennisi
July: Academia Hoy: Daniel Pauly, en Cumana by Teresa Rodriguez de Tononi
June 24: L’Express: Un rebelle sans filet
May 24: UN fish stocks review opens with dire outlook
May 18: Oil spill update: Ban might help fisheries recover; hurricane predictions; dolphins and sea turtles; oil plume controversy
May 7: OnEarth Magazine: Gulf oil spill’s impact on fisheries, sea life
May 7: OnEarth Magazine: Gulf oil spill: An opportunity for conservation?
May 4: Science: British trawlers working nearly 20 times as hard to catch fish by Gretchen Vogel
April 29: New Scientist: Biodiversity: try as we might, things just keep dying
March 19: New Scientist: Recipe for rarity: fish threatened by cookbooks
2010: Fondo Europeo de la Pesca en Espana: Entrevista: En primera persona
March 4: The New Republic: A ban on Bluefin just might do the trick
March: E: The Environmental Magazine: Coral crisis in the Caribbean
February 4: The Atlantic: “Sustainable” Fish: A Sham?
February 3: IntraFish: Pauly: MSC has nothing to do with conservation
January 28: Le Point: Un biologiste au chevet des poissons
January 5: The New Republic: Invest in tuna by Marty Peretz


December 3: Science: Can science keep Alaska’s Bering Sea Pollock fishery healthy? by Virginia Morell
December: Common Ground: Pet connections by Geoff Olson
November 26: Intrafish: Marketplace alone can’t protect seafood supply by John Fiorillo
November 18: Canadian Cattlemen: Feed fish to people, not pigs
November 17: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News: Alternative animal feed part of global fisheries crisis fix
November 17: R&D Magazine: Alternative animal feed part of global fisheries crisis fix
November 12: New Scientist: Tuna in peril as catches reach triple the limit
November 2: The Economist: Tricks of the trade
October 27: New Scientist: US FDA says omega-3 oils from GM soya are safe to eat by Andy Coghlan
October 8: Maclean’s: One colossal waste by Nancy Macdonald
October 7: The New Republic: Aquacalypse Now: The end of fish
September: Waterkant: Kampfansage an industrielle Fangflotten
September: Que Pasa En Breve: La historia de Daniel Pauly, el cientifico top que visita Chile
September 25: Que Pasa: La Fragilidad de un Pez by Andrew Chernin
July 16: SEED Magazine: Finding Fish by Maywa Montenegro
July 5: El Pais Semanal: Daniel Pauly
July/August: Revista Pesca: Extractos de “La Entrevista: Vida Sana” Daniel Pauly, biologo
Spring/Summer: Frontier: Sea Change
June: Suddeurtsche Zeitung Wissen: Fisch Istaus
June 5: Science: Persevering researchers make a splash with farm-bred tuna by Dennis Normile
May/June 2009: YES Magazine: Eat like a pig by Rowena Rae
May 28: Science: Protecting the last great tuna stocks by Christopher Pala
May 11: Scientific American: Daniel Pauly: Fishing for a Perfect Ocean by Katherine Harmon
May: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment: Fishy health claims in doubt by Noreen Parks
March 23: Practical Fishkeeping: Polar fish fauna set to change as earth warms up
March/April: Foreign Policy: Sushinomics
March 3: The Ecologist: To farm or to fish – does aquaculture have the answer? by Matilda Lee
February 17: Time: Will killing whales save the world’s fisheries? by Bryan Walsh
February 16: Scientific American: Climate change erodes marine reserves by Andrew McGlashen
February 13: Science: Should whales be culled to increase fishery yield?
February 12: New Scientist: Ocean climate change: a really inconvenient truth by Peter Aldhous
February 12: Ajax World Magazine: Scientists conclude that culling whales will not help fisheries in tropical regions
February 12: Scientific American: Fish seen shifting 125 miles by 2050 due to warming by Alister Doyle
January 16: New Scientist: Fish “an ally” against climate change by Catherine Brahic
January 16: Science: Contribution of fish to the marine inorganic carbon cycle
January 16: Australasia Scuba Diver: Fish poo vital in fight against climate change
January 15: Nature: Fish are crucial in oceanic carbon cycle by Roberta Kwok


December 5: The Walrus: Q&A: Taras Grescoe by Jared Bland
November 24: The American Prospect: Saving the fish banks by Colin Woodward
November 3: Scientific American: Animal feed is fishy by Adam Hinterthuer
October 9: Islands Business: Tarawa’s approach to tuna conservation by Christopher Pala
October 2: New Scientist: Giant tuna kindergarten identified in Atlantic by Phil McKenna
September 12: Science: Response to Comment on “A global map of human impact on marine ecosystems”by Selkoe et al.
September 12: Science: Comment on “A global map of human impact on marine ecosystems” by Michael R. Heath
September 11: Good Magazine: Fin, the last days of fish by Peter Alsop
September 8: Islands Business: Under-reporting fish catches a concern by Samisoni Pareti
August 28: Smithsonian: Victory at sea by Christopher Pala
August 5: Sport Fishing: Catches from tropical island nations vastly underreported
2008: National Geographic: The seas are depleted
July 9: Mondiaal Magazine (Brussels, Belgium): Visvangst wordt grof onderschat by Stephen Leahy
June 28: Newsweek: The tragic tale of the last tuna by Benjamin Sutherland
June 3: Trumpet: Where have all the fish gone? by Robert Morley
April 2: Vanity Fair: Ocean’s 9 by Evgenia Peretz
March 31: The Economist: Invasion of the holiday-snatchers
March: Fisherman Life: An interview with Daniel Pauly by Margaret Boyes
Spring: Trek: Cheers for Daniel Pauly
Winter 2007/2008: Humanist Perspectives: Subsidies & deep-sea fish depletion by Rashid Sumaila
February 20: Science and Spirit: Holy mackerel by Jennifer Jacquet


December 26: Veja (Brazil): Multiplicação dos peixes by Marcio Orsolini
Fall 2007: Oceana Magazine: Fisheries subsidies expert, Ahmed Khan
December 13: Time Magazine: Laying waste to the deep sea by Ken Stier
December 13: Nature: All fishing nations must unite to cut subsidies by Rashid Sumaila and Daniel Pauly
Nov/Dec: Action Asia: Basis for change by Patricia Sorongon, Marianne Pan, and Steve White
November 5: The New Yorker: Neptune’s navy by Raffi Khatchadourian
November 2: Science: Tales of a small, but crucial, fish by Daniel Pauly
October 13: Science News: Invasive, indeed by Sid Perkins
September 24: Smithsonian Magazine: Fishy business by Anne Sasso
September 19: Time Magazine: Fish farming’s growing dangers by Ken Stier
September: Pour la Science: Carpe diem? by Ivar Ekeland
September: Granville Magazine: Good fish, bad fish by Isabelle Groc
August: Zeitzeichen (Germany): Saures wasser by Roland H. Knauer
July: Conservation Magazine: 10 solutions to save the oceans by Tundi Agardy
May 16: Sciences et Avenir: Les ‘’traînées de boue’’ des chalutiers by Cécile Dumas
May 10: Nature: Ghosts of destruction
May 10: Nature: Ransom Aldrich Myers (1952-2007) by Daniel Pauly
May 1: Scientific American: Environment groups want fish protected in WTO deal by Laura MacInnis
May: Öko-Test vol. 5: Ozeane in see-not by Zukunft der Meere
April 27: Science: Marine biology: killing whales for science? By Virginia Morell
April 16: Whale Symposium Bulletin: Summary of the symposium on the state of the conservation of whales in the 21st century
April 12: ScienceNow Daily News: Marine reserves not keeping pace by Erik Stokstad
March 6: Plenty: “Greener fish to fry” by Justin Nobel
February 17: New Scientist:Deep-sea trawling neither green nor profitable” by Catherine Brahic
January: Cosmos: “The fisher king” by Peter Calamai
January 25: Nature:A marine biologist dives into the history of the Gulf of California” by Daniel Pauly
January/February: New Internationalist:The Rise of Slime” by Kenneth Weiss


Volume 22, No.3: California Coast & Ocean: “Shifting Baselines” by Anne Canright
November 18: New Scientist:Daniel Pauly forecasts the future” by Daniel Pauly
November 5: Time Magazine:Oceans of Nothing” by Unmesh Kher
November 3: Cosmos Magazine:No more seafood by 2048” by Hamish Clarke
November: Pour la Science vol. 349 (Scientific American):On shifting baselines (in French)” by I. Ekeland
October 12: New Scientist:Imagine Earth without people” by Bob Holmes
October 12: Nature:The real sea change” by Mark Schrope
October 5: UBC Reports:Jellyfish sandwiches?” by Basil Waugh
September 15: Raise the Hammer:Bedtime for Large Ocean Vertebrates” by Ryan McGreal
March: University Affairs: “ Google scholar service matches Thomson ISI citation index” by Leo Charbonneau
January/February: Vancouver: “Best Big Green Voice” by J.M.


December 31: New Scientist: “ Europe again ignores scientists’ advice on fish” by Debora MacKenzie
December: Greek Fishing News:Daniel Pauly and Aristotle University” by D. Bobori and K. Stergiou
November 07: New Scientist: “Marauders continue to plunder the oceans” by Emma Young and James Randerson
October: Hellenic Fishing News: “ The 3rd mini FishBase symposium” by K. Stergiou and D. Bobori
October: Hellenic Fishing News: “ The 6th annual FishBase consortium meeting” by K. Stergiou, D. Bobori, and A. Tsikliras
July 25: “Regional co-operation makes economic sense
June 23: Nature: “Bill on deep-sea fish farms brings wave of disapproval” by Rex Dalton
May 5: Seafood Intelligence: “Economic report looks at BC sablefish farming
May 5: Intrafish: “Study says farmed sablefish not economically, ecologically viable in British Columbia
April 15: Science: “Toward Ecosystems Oceanography” by Philippe Cury
February 03: Nature:”Rebuilding Fisheries will add to Asia’s problems” by Daniel Pauly


December 16: Nature: “Much rowing for fish” by Daniel Pauly
November 04: Nature: “ Sink or swim” by Henry Nicholls
August 28: New Scientist: “ Who’s reading what” by Daniel Pauly
August 27: Science: “ A decktop view of overfishing” by Caroline Ash
July 20: Nature: “Whales cleared of competing with fishermen” by Amanda Leigh Haag
July 9: Science: “Hauling In Better Catch Data” by Mitch Leslie
June 3: UBC Reports:Jellyfish for lunch?
June: Ecology Law Quarterly: “Review: International Year of the Ocean, Redux” by Michael Bhargava
May 12: New Scientist: “Whales, seals and fishermen rarely take same prey” by Bob Holmes
May: BC Business: “The New Elite
May: Wired: “The Bluewater Revolution” by Charles C. Mann
March: Fisheries Oceanography: “Book Review: In a Perfect Ocean: the State of Fisheries and Ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean” by Kenneth T. Frank and Jae S. Choi
February 19: National Geographic: “Trawlers Destroying Deep-Sea Reefs, Scientists Say” by John Pickrell
February 4: Working Waterfront: “3 Ocean Books Reviewed: No Good News and a Fair Amount of Bad” by Ben Neal
January/February: American Scientist: “Can We Have Our Fish and Eat Them Too?” by Phillip Levin
January: Choice: “Book Review ” by F.T. Manheim


November 21 Conservation in Practice: The emerging shape of the global fisheries crisis by Reg Watson, Adrian Kitchingman and Daniel Pauly
November 10: UBC Reports: “Scientific American Names Director of UBC’s Fisheries Centre a World Leader in Research
November 3: Maclean’s: “The Empty Seas: It’s time to stop devouring the most overfished and worst-managed seafoods” by John Demont
October 29: Environmental Entrepreneurs Update: San Francisco EcoSalon on Oceans: Depleting the Bountiful Sea” and “Boston EcoSalon: “Oceans: A National Treasure at Risk
October: Fisheries: Quebec wrap-up: Parlez-vous poissons?
September 11: Nature: Net losses: Overfishing in the north Atlantic Ocean has left fish stocks in peril” by John Shepherd
August 11: National Geographic: Dirty Fishing” Emptying Oceans, Experts Say by Sharon Guynup
August 19-15: The Economist: A new way to feed the world
July 26: Science News: Catch News: What can be done as marine ecosystems face a deepening crisis? by Ben Harder
July 25: Scientific American: Genetic analysis revises tally of past whale populations by Dennis Watkins
July 14: L’Unita: Plancton e meduse, il cibo del futuro by Daniel Pauly
July 12: Weekend Australia: Scaling Down by Creg Callaghan p. 8
July: Scientific American: Counting the Last Fish by Daniel Pauly and Reg Watson
June 9: US News & World Report: Fished out by Thomas Hayden
June 5: Nature: “Panel calls for sea change to fisheries policy by Virginia Gewin
May 17: New Scientist: Old men of the sea have all but gone by Staff Writer
May 14: New Scientist: Ocean’s great fish all but gone by Bob Holmes
March 6: UBC Reports: Scientist Predicts Ocean Fisheries Disaster by Hilary Thomson
February 20: The Economist: Turtle Power
January 25: Scientific American: Deep Crisis: Fishy Figures
January: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment: EU fisheries policy under fire by Tina Adler
January: Science & Vie: Le sort de la pêche dans les filets des statistiques by Marie-Laure Moinet
Unknown: Ekonom: Jak zachránit rybárství
Unknown: Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries: Book review: The balance and conservation of the North Atlantic ecosystems? by Konstantinos I. Stergiou


December 12: L’Usine Nouvelle: Faut-il Baisser Fortement les Quotas de Pêche? by Jean Meilhaud
December 7: New Scientist: Tall tales from anglers could wipe out fish by Bob Holmes
November 25: Time: Is Fish Farming Safe? by Terry McCarthy
October 18: National Fisherman: Alone and Skewered by Jerry Fraser
October 17: Nature: How many more fish in the sea? by Quirin Schiermeier
October (No. 14): Fishing in Europe: Rekindling rationality back into fisheries
September 9: Newsweek: Africa’s Lost Fish
August: Australasian Science: Global Warming is Good (If You Like Calamari)
July/August: La Recherche: Quand le poisson vient à manquer… by Daniel Pauly, Reg Watson, et Villy Christensen
July 13: New Scientist: “West Africa’s fish stocks collapse
May 27: Der Spiegel Online: Fische in Seenot by Philip Bethge
May: Biodiversity: Huge subsidies destroying Earth’s marine fisheries
April/May: Ocean Update: North Atlantic Study Claims Food Fish Catches Have Declined by Half Despite Tripled Fishing Effort…
April 30: Fishing Boat World: China’s Fishing Fleet Facing Massive Reduction
April 30: Scientific American: Data Points: Fish Tales
April 19: Science: Going to the Edge to Protect the Sea by David Malakoff
April: UBC Grad Tidings: Fisheries Centre Researchers Make Waves
March/April: American Scientist: Skewed Skepticism
March 4: Business Week: Overfishing Threatens the North Atlantic’s Future>
February 26: National Geographic: Cold War Technology Helps Deplete Ocean Fisheries by D.L. Parsell
February 25: National Geographic: Cold war military technologies have devastated global fish populations by Bijal P. Trivedi
February 22: Environmental Science & Technology: Fish Food Facts by Kellyn Bett
February 21: The Economist: Dead in the water
February 18: NewScientist: Complete collapse of North Atlantic fishing predicted by Kurt Kleiner
January 21: Newsweek: “China’s statistics are fishier than their oceans” by Adam Piore and Paul Mooney


December 10: USnews & World Report: “All the fish in China” by Thomas Hayden
December 6: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development: “New Study Reveals Underreporting Of Fish Catch Decline
December 1: New Scientist: Fish out of water by Mark Schrope
December 1: Science News: “Fishy data hid decline in global catch
December 1: University of New Hampshire Alumnus News: UNH dean suspects China’s inflated catches mask overfishing
November 29: Economist: Fishy figures by Natasha Loder
November 29: Nature: Global fisheries: Stock taking
November 29: Nature: Catch figures fishy by Helen Pearson
September 10: US News and World Report: Deep trouble by Thomas Hayden
September 8: New Scientist: Stalking the mock turtle by Joe Roman, Brian Bowen


Jan/Feb: American Scientist: Fishing down aquatic food webs by Pauly, D., V. Christensen, R. Froese and M.L.D. Palomares.