In over 30 years of continuous operation and development, FishBase has become one of the largest and most extensively accessed online public resources in the history of scientific research. A new study reveals it is also one of the most highly cited databases.
In a paper published in a special edition of Cybium dedicated FishBase, a team led by researchers from the University of Rhode Island evaluated the scientific impact of this global open access information system on fishes which contains a vast compilation of data on taxonomy, trophic ecology, reproduction and life-history traits, population dynamics, habitat and distribution, morphology and physiology, photos, and fish sounds.
Results of the citation analysis for the period 1994 to 2020 show that FishBase has garnered over 10,000 citations from hundreds of peer-reviewed journals in Scopus and 15,000 citations in Google Scholar, placing it in the top 1% of all cited publications in both the current and previous centuries.
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