A Chinese version of Gasping Fish and Panting Squids: Oxygen, Temperature and the Growth of Water-Breathing Animals, the book where Dr. Daniel Pauly develops his Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT), is now available to readers worldwide.
This Chinese version is based on the second edition of the
book, in which the Sea Around Us
principal investigator strengthens the arguments that back the GOLT by
incorporating new evidence that leads to a widening of the applicability of his
theory. From tiny gobies to large cod, he explains how the distribution and
growth of water-breathing animals are largely determined by the difficulties of
getting oxygen out of the water surrounding them.
“What happens is that the surface area of the gills — where
oxygen is obtained — is two-dimensional and does not grow at the same pace as
the rest of the body, which is three-dimensional,” Pauly explained. “As fish
grow into adulthood their demand for oxygen increases because their body mass
becomes larger but since the gills are not growing at the same pace, there is a
point where they cannot supply enough oxygen for further growth. This constraint
influences many processes in fish, from reproduction to how they react to
warming waters due to climate change.”
The 193-page book was translated and updated by Dr. Jianguo Du, a researcher at the Third Institute of Oceanography in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen, and was published by China Ocean Press. It is available on the link http://www.oceanpress.com.cn/front/book/detail?book_id=6329.
Here’s a summary, in Chinese, of the content of the book.
The English version of the second edition of Gasping Fish and Panting Squids is available on the Natural History Book Service website https://www.nhbs.com/gasping-fish-and-panting-squids-book