Jump to: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
- November 1: InteliMedios: El glaciar más grande de la Antártida comenzó a extinguirse desde hace 80 años por el fenómeno de El Niño by El Universal
- October 31: Channel 5 Belize: Rushed conservation: Is Belize’s blue bonds deal sacrificing fishermen for global praise? by Hipolito Novelo
- October 31: Earth Journalism Network: Rushed conservation: Is Belize’s blue bonds deal sacrificing fishermen for global praise? by Hipolito Novelo
- October 21: Ecoticias: Salmón de cultivo, su elevada demanda amenaza a las comunidades costeras más vulnerables by Paco G.Y.
- October 20: Radio Canada: Le saumon d’élevage présente un risque pour la sécurité alimentaire, selon une étude by Maude Gagnon
- October 18: Quotidiano dei Contribuenti: Scienza:diffusione salmone allevamento mette a rischio selvatico by Staff Writer
- October 18: WebWire: Global North’s growing appetite for farmed salmon imperils communities’ access to local fish by Staff Writer
- October 17: Portal Agro Chile: El aumento de la demanda global de salmón de cultivo amenaza la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades costeras más vulnerables by Staff Writer
- October 16: Reporterre: Notre appétit pour le saumon d’élevage affame des populations littorales dans le monde by Staff Writer
- October 16: Vancouver Is Awesome: Will hammerhead sharks start swimming in Metro Vancouver waters? by Elana Shepert
- October 16: Phys.org: Global north’s growing appetite for farmed salmon imperils communities’ access to local fish, study warns by Oceana
- October 16: Oceana: Global north’s growing appetite for farmed salmon imperils communities’ access to local fish, study warns by Gillian Spolarich
- October 11: Earth Journalism Network: Will the sea cucumber industry sink or swim in Belize? by Hipolito Novelo
- October 10: Bitou Trust: Synthesis of an Open Dialogue with Beto Bedolfe, Dr Daniel Pauly and Marina Psaros by Tamzin Ractliffe
- October 9: Isna: جاماندگان از جایزه «نوبل» چه جوایزی میتوانند دریافت کنند؟ by Staff Writer
- October 8: El Español: Pescar menos o prohibirlo en hábitats vulnerables: estas son las 11 ‘reglas de oro’ para proteger los océanos by Mariana Goya
- October 4: Noticias Canal 10: Foro por el Océano en Cancún aborda biodiversidad, plásticos y sobrepesca by Staff Writer
- October 3: Cancún Mío: Llaman a acciones urgentes contra la sobrepesca y la contaminación en el 2° Foro por el Océano desde el Caribe Mexicano by Staff Writer
- October 3: NotiCaribe: Lanzan expertos biólogos llamado urgente a combatir microplásticos; constituyen una amenaza creciente para la salud humana y marina by Staff Writer
- September 26: Noticias Agropecuarias: Ridefinita la sostenibilità della pesca by Umberto Mazzantini
- September 24: Noticias Agropecuarias: Investigadores internacionales proponen para la pesca sostenible by Eduardo Bustos
- September 24: La Relève et La Peste: « Pêcher moins, mais mieux » : l’appel de scientifiques pour sauver l’Océan by Staff Writer
- September 23: Bloom Association: Leading scientists redefine the notion of ‘sustainability’ to save the ocean and feed a hungry and warming planet by Staff Writer
- September 23: Earth.com: ‘Sustainable fishing’ must be redefined to halt ocean destruction by Andrei Ionescu
- September 15: Alphavita Γιατί τα ψάρια γίνονται ολοένα και μικρότερα by Staff Writer
- September 10: MSN: Cancún albergará el segundo Foro por los Océanos con polémicos temas ambientales by Angel Balán
- September 10: Il Fatto Alimentare: Pesci a rischio di estinzione: i numeri sono sottostimati by Agnese Codignola
- September 9: Frankfurt Live: Fischbestände zu optimistisch eingeschätzt by Ilka Thomsen
- September 9: MSN: Pundits warn fish prices to double in next five years unless foreign fishermen stopped from intruding into Malaysian waters by Malay Mail
- September 7: Greek Reporter: Overfishing and climate change threaten fish populations by Philip Chrysopoulos
- September 4: Parianostypos: Η κλιματική κρίση αλλάζει και το μέγεθος των ψαριών, παραμένουν μικρά, δεν μεγαλώνουν -Ειδικός εξηγεί by Staff Writer
- September 4: Noticaribe: Alistan en Cancún foro para promover la conservación del océano by Staff Writer
- September 4: La Verdad Noticias: Cancún albergará el segundo Foro por los Océanos con polémicos temas ambientales by Angel Balán
- September 4: Top Buzz Reporter: “There are fewer fish than we thought” by Ricky Martin
- September 4: 24Horas Quintana Roo: Reúne el Caribe a expertos en foro de conservación marina by Licety Díaz
- September 4: OKdiario: La preocupante advertencia de unos biólogos: «Hay menos peces de lo que se creía» by Gemma Meca
- September 3:Meteored: The worrying warning of Australian biologists: There are many fewer fish than previously believed by Yurima Celdrán
- September 3: MSN: Η κλιματική κρίση αλλάζει και το μέγεθος των ψαριών, παραμένουν μικρά, δεν μεγαλώνουν -Ειδικός εξηγεί by Staff Writer
- September 3: Ekirikas: Ψάρια – κλιματικοί πρόσφυγες λόγω αύξησης της θερμοκρασίας του νερού – Ο καθηγητής αλιευτικής βιολογίας Daniel Pauly εξηγεί by Staff Writer
- September 3: Proto Thema: Ψάρια – κλιματικοί πρόσφυγες λόγω αύξησης της θερμοκρασίας του νερού by Staff Writer
- September 3: Monomaxos News: Πρόσφυγες για το κλίμα: Ψάρια που επηρεάζονται από την άνοδο της θερμοκρασίας του νερού – τι λένε οι ειδικοί by Staff Writer
- September 3: Athenian-Macedonian News Agency: Fish – climate refugees due to rising water temperatures – Fishery biology professor Daniel Pauly talks to APE-MPE by Natasha Karathanou
- September 2: Green Agenda: Η υπερθέρμανση των θαλασσών αλλάζει τη «συμπεριφορά» των ψαριών- Διεθνές συμπόσιο στο ΑΠ by Staff Writer
- September 2: Enséñame de Ciencia: Mares sin peces: el alarmante estudio que demuestra la destrucción del ecosistema marino by David Josué Calderón Cos
- September 2: Politic: Η Υπερθέρμανση των Θαλασσών και η Μετακίνηση των Ψαριών: Συμπόσιο στο ΑΠΘ για τις Νέες Προκλήσεις by Staff Writer
- September 1: Meteored: El preocupante aviso de unos biólogos australianos: hay muchos menos peces de lo que se creía hasta ahora by Yurima Celdrán
- September 1: Proplanta: Beifang soll weiter reduziert werden by Staff Writer
- August 30: Superdeporte: L’escàndol de la falsa recuperació d’espècies pesqueres amenaça la biodiversitat marina by Joan Lluís Ferrer
- August 30: Meteored: Preoccupante avvertimento dei biologi australiani: ci sono molti meno pesci di quanto si pensava by Yurima Celdrán
- August 30: GK Today: New study reveals dire state of global fish stocks by Staff Writer
- August 30: El Confidencial: No hay tantos peces en el mar: aviso preocupante de biólogos australianos by Staff Writer
- August 29: Leinetal24: „Können Ruder noch rumreißen“: Studie zeigt dramatisch schwindende Fischbestände in der Nordsee by Ulrike Hagen
- August 29: Green Report: La pesca mondiale è ancora meno sostenibile di quanto si pensi by Umberto Mazzantini
- August 28: Earth.com: Fish stocks are collapsing globally as overfishing continues by Andrei Ionescu
- August 28: Gospodarkamorska: W badaniach z dziedziny rybołówstwa przeszacowuje się zasoby ryb by Catherine Czechowicz
- August 27: Nutrition Insight: Experts call for better fishery management as stock figures go underreported by Insha Naureen
- August 24: Vista Al Mar: La investigación pesquera sobreestima las poblaciones mundiales de peces by Staff Writer
- August 24: Down To Earth: World’s fish stocks in crisis: New study exposes overfishing catastrophe by Madhumita Paul
- August 23: Science ORF: Fischbestände stärker bedroht als angenommen by Staff Writer
- August 23: Blue News: Fish are even more endangered than previously thought by Staff Writer
- August 23: Technology Networks: Global fish stocks are lower than previously thought by Staff Writer
- August 23: Mirage News: Fishery models overstate global fisheries sustainability by Staff Writer
- August 22: IDW: Forschung hat Fischbestände zu optimistisch eingeschätzt: GEOMAR-Experte fordert realistischere Bestandsbewertungen by Staff Writer
- August 22: EurekAlert!: Fishery assessment models – the “backbone” of fisheries management – overstate sustainability of global fisheries by Science Press Package Team
- August 22: Courthouse News Service: World’s fisheries worse off than models show, new study suggests by Christina Van Waasbergen
- August 22: Phys.org: Fisheries research overestimates global fish stocks, say experts by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
- August 22: ERT News: ΑΠΘ: Οι παγκόσμιες εξελίξεις στη θαλάσσια και αλιευτική βιολογία στο επίκεντρο διεθνούς συνεδρίου- Ο καθ. Daniel Pauly στη Θεσσαλονίκη by Eva Kousiopoulou
- August 22: Iatronet: Τα θαλάσσια οικοσυστήματα αλλάζουν – Διεθνές συμπόσιο ΑΠΘ by Staff Writer
- August 22: Radio Central: Fische sind noch bedrohter als angenommen by Staff Writer
- August 20: The Conversation: Sharks are taking a bite out of anglers’ catch in the Gulf of Mexico, but culling isn’t likely to help by James Marcus Drymon
- August 19: Radio Canada: Des phénomènes inhabituels en lien avec des requins en Colombie-Britannique by Alexandre Lamic
- August 16: DiverNet: Maldives’ longline plans put pro-shark reputation at risk by Steve Weinman
- August 15: Belize Channel 5: Belize – Where’s the data? by Hipolito Novelo
- August 13: Finextra: Revisiting the sunken billions: The Gambia’s perspective by Foday Joof
- August 13: Powell River Peak: Half Moon Bay shark video: We’re not going to need a bigger boat by Sandra Thomas
- August 10: Dushi Singtao : 【有片】卑诗海岸惊现鲨鱼 游到一群潜水员身
边⋯⋯ by Staff Writer - August 9: Castanet : ‘Magical experience’: Diver recounts swimming with shark off Lions Bay by Alanna Kelly
- August 6: Opini Publik : Berkeliling dengan monyet: Kesenangan air di Mangabey Day di Rio Safari Elche by Hassan Basri
- August 6: Solomon: Ο εχθρός από μέσα: Η μεγάλη είσοδος της Κίνας στις θάλασσες άλλων χωρών by Outlaw Ocean Project
- August 6: Asia News Monitor: China: Taking over from the inside: China’s growing reach into local waters by Ian Urbina, Pete McKenzie and Milko Schvartzman
- August 5: GK City: La prevalencia de China ya no se limita a las aguas internacionales by Ian Urbina, Pete McKenzie and Milko Schvartzman
- August 4: CIPER Chile: La prevalencia de China, la superpotencia en productos del mar, ya no se limita a las aguas internacionales by Ian Urbina, Pete McKenzie and Milko Schvartzman
- August 4: Inside Climate News: Taking over from the inside: China’s growing reach into local waters by Ian Urbina, Pete McKenzie and Milko Schvartzman
- August 4: CE Noticias Financieras English: China, the seafood superpower, no longer limited to international waters by Ian Urbina
- August 4: Benar News: Taking over from the inside: China’s growing reach into local waters by Ian Urbina, Pete McKenzie and Milko Schvartzman
- July 30: Reiter Revue International: Wie das olympische Motto den Pferdesport verändert by Inga Wolframm
- July 26: Caribbean Investigative Journalism Network: Belize – Where’s the Data? by Hipolito Novelo
- July 25: Horses: Gastcolumn Inga Wolframm: Citius, Altius, Fortius by Inga Wolframm
- July 22: Yahoo! News: Pundits warn fish prices to double in next five years unless foreign fishermen stopped from intruding into Malaysian waters by Staff Writer
- July 22: Malay Mail: Pundits warn fish prices to double in next five years unless foreign fishermen stopped from intruding into Malaysian waters by Staff Writer
- July 18: Phys.org: New study identifies potential protection areas for critically endangered sharks in Türkiye by Sea Around Us
- July 11: National Observer: Does the decision to lift Newfoundland’s cod moratorium consider climate change? by Cloe Logan
- July 11: Vancouver Is Awesome: When will great white sharks call Metro Vancouver waters home? by Elana Shepert
- July 8: Identità Golose: Come difendiamo i nostri mari? Report dal congresso con Pascucci e Cuttaia by Mariella Caruso
- July 5: Forbes France: Future of sustainibility | Juin sous la pluie : entre précipitations et réalité climatique by Thomas Guyot
- June 29: Radio-Canada: Deux entreprises condamnées à 545 000 $ pour destruction de l’habitat du saumon by Camille Pauvarel
- June 26: Marmara Belediyeler Birliği: Marmara Denizi için Biyo-Kültürel Çeşitlilik Yaklaşımı by Asu Aksoy
- June 26: Vista al Mar: Estimación desde el espacio de las capturas pesqueras no declaradas by Staff Writer
- June 26: Phys.org: Industrial fleets operating in the Indian Ocean turn off monitoring systems, fail reporting obligations by Sea Around Us
- June 23: Tourinews: El VI Encuentro de los Mares (Tenerife) apunta a la necesidad de recuperar los océanos y sus especies by Staff Writer
- June 22: Netzpolitik: Was unsere Privatsphäre mit der Fischerei zu tun hat by Bruce Schneier and Barath Raghavan
- June 19: AGBrescia: Fuori sede, fuori di testa? Un nuovo studio rileva che i predatori dell’apice mancanti sono troppo spesso trascurati nella ricerca ecologica by Alexandre Rossi
- June 17: Turismo de Tenerife: La sexta edición del Encuentro de los Mares pone el foco en la necesidad de recuperar los océanos y sus especies by Staff Writer
- June 13: QFiumicino: Gianfranco Pascucci relatore al convegno “Encuentro de los mares” by Staff Writer
- June 10: Globe Echo: The effects of climate change on global oceans by Henry Pearson
- June 8: Um So Planeta: Dia Mundial dos Oceanos: conheça “heróis dos mares” que expandem a ciência e cultura oceânica by Vanessa Oliveira
- June 3: Inout Viajes: El congreso Encuentro de los Mares se celebrará en Tenerife los días 16 al 19 de junio by Staff Writer
- June 3: IEEE Spectrum: How online privacy is like fishing: in the wake of a Microsoft spying controversy, it’s time for an ecosystem perspective by Barath Raghavan and Bruce Schneier
- May 31: Expreso: Llega a Tenerife el VI Encuentro de los Mares by Staf Writer
- May 30: Actu.fr: Beaucoup de pluie, peu de soleil… un mois de mai “pourri” à cause du réchauffement climatique ? by Briac Trébert
- May 30: Mongabay: In Belize, flawed conservation measures threaten small-scale fishers’ livelihoods (commentary) by Maria L.D. Palomares
- May 29: The Gourmet Journal: Tenerife acogerá una nueva edición del Encuentro de los Mares by Manu Balanzino
- May 28: Tiempo de Canarias: Ciencia, gastronomía y pesca se reúnen en Tenerife para abordar el cuidado de océanos by Staff Writer
- May 28: Atlantico Hoy: Ciencia, gastronomía y pesca se dan la mano en Tenerife para impulsar los productos del mar by Alba Marichal
- May 28: Europa Press: Tenerife acoge una nueva edición del Encuentro de los Mares by Staff Writer
- May 27: Princeton University: Princeton University Class of 2024 Class Day remarks by actor Sam Waterston by Office of Communications
- May 27: Radio-Canada: 65 % des aires marines dites « protégées » ne le sont pas, disent des chercheurs by Francis Plourde
- May 17: Mongabay Latam: La pesca recreativa podría poner en riesgo a las especies marinas de Belice | ENTREVISTA by Astrid Arellano
- May 16: Más Información: Los peces disminuyen de tamaño y la ciencia aún no sabe por qué by Staff Writer
- May 16: University World News: New oceans and coastal data hub to bolster marine research by Eve Ruwoko
- May 13: Chip: Shifting Baseline: Das steckt hinter der veränderten Naturwahrnehmung by Juliane Vogler
- May 9: Mis Peces: Fabrice Teletchea y Daniel Pauly hipotizan con la posibilidad de que la falta de oxígeno está detrás de la eclosión de las larvas de peces by Staff Writer
- May 8: Firstpost: Fish are getting smaller and that may be a problem. Why? by Staff Writer
- May 6: Telegram.hr: U oceanima se događa nešto prilično ludo. Znanstvenici se svađaju oko neobjašnjivog fenomena koji pogađa većinu riba by Valentina Pavlica
- May 5: Infobae: Los peces están disminuyendo su tamaño en todo el mundo. Por qué preocupa a los científicos by Dino Grandoni
- May 4: SF Gate: Fish are shrinking around the world. Here’s why scientists are worried. by Dino Grandoni
- May 4: Canoe.com: Fish shrinking around the world has scientists worried by Dino Grandoni
- May 2: Vista Al Mar: Los tiburones y rayas marinos ‘utilizan’ la urea para retrasar la reproducción by Staff Writer
- May 1: Phys.org: Marine sharks and rays ‘use’ urea to delay reproduction, finds study by Sea Around Us
- April 25: Cryptopolitan: AI-driven solutions redefine marine conservation by Emman Omwanda
- April 18: Phys.org: Respiratory stress response that stunts temperate fish also affects coral reef fish by Sea Around Us
- April 15: Bertuahpos: Fakta nutrisi yang terkandung pada ikan teri by Staff Writer
- April 11: The MIT Press Reader: The algorithmic ocean: How AI is revolutionizing marine conservation by Karen Bakker
- April 8: Global Excellence Initiative: Dr. Daniel Pauly & Dr. Rashid Sumaila: Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement by Staff Writer
- March 25: Seafood Source: Op-ed: Marine protected areas in British Columbia only good for bragging rights by Ray Hilborn
- March 14: Oceana: Ask Dr. Pauly: What are marine heat waves? by Daniel Pauly
- March 12: Nautilus: What’s in a fish’s name? by Katarina Zimmer
- March 8: Espèces Menacees: La pêche en haute mer est aussi peu durable sur le plan économique qu’écologique by Nicolas Guillot
- March 8: Mongabay: Studi: Saat Ikan Ilegal Turun, Pembajakan di Laut Meningkat by Basten Gokkon
- March 1: ScienceX: UBC researchers launch Africa-UBC Oceans & Fisheries Visiting Fellows Program by Sea Around Us
- February 29: Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung: “Ein unschätzbarer Beitrag zum Wohlergehen unseres Planeten”: Johan Rockström erhält Tyler-Preis für Umweltverdienste by Staff Writer
- February 29: The Good Men Project: How can humans save threatened sharks? by Harrison Tasoff-UC Santa Barbara
- February 25: La Voz Hispana: Duarte, Hughes y Pauly, premio Fronteras del Conocimiento por sus investigaciones sobre los océanos – La Vanguardia by Miguel Romero
- February 22: Mongabay: With drop in illegal fishing comes rise in piracy, study in Indonesia finds by Basten Gokkon
- February 14: Mirage News: Concordia’s marine biologist aims to inspire future Black scientists by Concordia University
- February 8: Espèces Menacées: Le développement des branchies et la température de l’eau limitent la croissance des poissons by Nicolas Guillot
- February 6: Undercurrent News: Unilateral efforts to combat illegal fishing may fuel piracy, new research finds by Staff Writer
- February 5: Futurity: How can humans save threatened sharks? by UC Santa Barbara
- February 5: Phys.org: Unilateral efforts to combat illegal fishing may spur piracy in certain regions by Sea Around Us
- February 5: ADUC: I governi spendono 22 miliardi di dollari all’anno per aiutare l’industria della pesca a svuotare gli oceani. Questo deve finire by Staff Writer
- February 5: University of Western Australia: Governments spend US$22 billion a year helping the fishing industry empty our oceans. This injustice must end by Vania Andreoli, Dirk Zeller and Jessica Meeuwig
- February 3: Mediapart: À la recherche de l’abondance perdue de nos océans by Alice Bomboy
- February 2: Mirage News: Governments aid $22B fishing industry, emptying oceans by Vania Andreoli, Dirk Zeller and Jessica Meeuwig
- February 2: The Conversation: Governments spend US$22 billion a year helping the fishing industry empty our oceans. This injustice must end by Vania Andreoli, Dirk Zeller and Jessica Meeuwig
- January 24: Bonpote: Transformer la pêche : une urgence environnementale, sociale et économique by Raphael Seguin
- January 24: UBC Science: Alum pushing for truly global fisheries science by Kim Duffell
- January 18: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers: Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna “are in critical condition”, Sea Around Us says by Seafood Source
- January 17: SeafoodSource: Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna ”are in critical condition,” Sea Around Us says by Ned Daly
- January 12: MeteoWeb: Il Poke mette a rischio il suo primo ingrediente: il Tonno pinna gialla by Francesca Zavettieri
- January 11: UC Santa Barbara The Current: A global study reveals pathways to save threatened sharks, despite rising mortality trends by Harrison Tasoff
- January 11: Phys.org: A global study reveals pathways to save threatened sharks, despite rising mortality trends by University of California – Santa Barbara
- January 11: EveryEye.it: La diffusione di poke e all you can eat sta facendo estinguere questa specie by Salvo Privitera
- January 10: TV100: Balık camiasını yasa boğan haber! O canlı aşırı avlanma nedeniyle yok olacak. Çok sevilen o şeyi yapmak artık çok zor by Sıla Aslan
- January 9: Yahoo!: Froid: pourquoi nous ne sommes plus habitués à de telles températures by Salomé Robles and Théophile Magoria
- January 9: BFMTV: Froid: pourquoi nous ne sommes plus habitués à de telles températures by Salomé Robles and Théophile Magoria
- January 9: InfoBarcelona: El sushi está amenazado porque la biomasa de un ingrediente popular se ha reducido a la mitad desde 1950 by Jonathan Edwards
- January 9: PipaNews: Sushi under threat as biomass of popular ingredient halves since 1950 by Staff Writer
- January 9: NationofChange: Overexploitation rates cause decline in yellowfin tuna in Indian Ocean by Ashley Curtin
- January 8: EcoWatch: Popular sashimi tuna species in sharp decline in Indian Ocean by Cristen Hemingway Jaynes
- January 8: Phys.org: Tuna species popular in sashimi and poke bowls in sharp decline in the Indian Ocean by Sea Around Us
- January 3: The Discourse: Magic mountain, melting snow: Climate uncertainty in the Comox Valley by Madeline Dunnett
- December 29: SeafoodSource: Possible loophole in WTO fishing subsidy talks leads to wariness among developing nations by Mark Godfrey
- December 8: Inside Climate News: Deemed sustainable by seafood industry monitors, harvested California squid has an unmeasurable energy footprint by Georgina Gustin
- December 6: The Provincetown Independent: Bearing witness to climate change on Cape Cod by Jim Gilbert
- December 2: Kompasiana.com: Pemodelan ekosistem Laut Cina Timur: Wawasan baru melalui model trofodinamik Ecopath by Nefzah Atirah Qalby
- November 23: The Times HUB: Rethinking the future of fisheries in the face of climate change by Pierre Chapdelaine de Montvalon
- November 23: Radio-Canada: Repenser l’avenir des pêches face aux changements climatiques by Pierre Chapdelaine de Montvalon
- November 22: Atmos: The environmental wisdom encoded in endangered languages by Katarina Zimmer and Tessa Forrest
- November 21: News.dayFR: Repenser l’avenir de la pêche face au changement climatique by Staff Writer
- November 18: Espèces-menacées.fr: Les tilapias retardent leur propre croissance pour survivre à des conditions stressantes by Nicolas Guillot
- November 15: UBC Science: 11 UBC Science researchers featured on global highly cited list by Geoff Gilliard
- November 10: Actual News Magazine: The ocean seen from the heart | Hubert Reeves, for the last time by Staff Writer
- November 10: La Presse: L’océan vu du cœur: Hubert Reeves, pour la dernière fois by Valérie Simard
- November 9: News.dayFR: Le MPO incapable de gérer les pêcheries, selon une sommité by Staff Writer
- November 9: Radio-Canada: Le MPO incapable de gérer les pêcheries, selon une sommité by Pierre Chapdelaine de Montvalon
- November 6: Mongabay: Not MPAs but OECMs: Can a new designation help conserve the ocean? by Edward Carver
- November 6: Phys.org: Once they have laid their eggs, fish become ‘young’ again: Study by Sea Around Us
- November 4: The Suburban: New Quebec-made motion picture documentary on the ocean provides important messaging for climate change by Mike Cohen
- November 1: Azorobotics: CMSY++ method presents novel advances in fish stock assessments by Skyla Baily
- November 1: Global Seafood Alliance: AI-powered, data-limited stock assessment method more accurate than ‘gold standard’ in predicting fisheries catches by Responsible Seafood Advocate
- October 31: Consiglio Nazionalle delle Ricerche: Stato di salute degli stock ittici: un metodo di valutazione basato sull’IA batte il “gold standard” del settore by Gianpaolo Coro
- October 31: Ma Clinique: Le changement climatique va réduire de 30 % les nutriments des fruits de mer dans les pays à faible revenu by Staff Writer
- October 31: 1thegioi: Ngành hải sản sẽ lâm nguy vì biến đối khí hậu by Anh Tu
- October 30: Phys.org: AI-powered data-limited stock assessment method more accurate than ‘gold standard’ in predicting sustainable catches by Sea Around Us
- October 30: University of British Columbia: Low-income countries could lose 30% of nutrients like protein and omega-3 from seafood due to climate change by Alex Walls
- October 16: Inside Climate News: A frequent culprit, China is also an easy scapegoat by Ian Urbina
- October 15: Espèces-menacées.fr: Les experts identifient des « couloirs bleus » pour les grands poissons migrateurs by Nicolas Guillot
- October 12: Yahoo!: International celebrities rally for WTO agreement on fisheries subsidies in new film by ReAgency Lab
- October 12: GlobalNewsWire: International celebrities rally for WTO agreement on fisheries subsidies in new film by ReAgency Lab
- September 26: AlraeesNews: دراسة جديدة تدعو إلى اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة لإنقاذ الثروة السمكية ووقف الصيد الجائر في مصر by Mohammed Ismail
- September 25: News.ESEuro: Las pesquerías egipcias del Mediterráneo necesitan urgentemente una mejor gestión, según un estudio by Staff Writer
- September 25: Phys.org: Egyptian Mediterranean fisheries in urgent need of better management, says study by Sea Around Us
- September 21: Phys.org: Overfishing and climate change impacts on New Zealand’s fish populations were hidden—until now by Sea Around Us
- September 21: AOC: Les Alpes, un condensé des bouleversements du monde by Nicolas Nova
- September 20: Kaos en la Red: Océanos “Titánic”: Mesa redonda con Daniel Pauly, Antonio Turiel, and Peter Ward by Staff Writer
- September 20: Oceana: Ocean-based climate solutions can deliver nearly half the emissions reductions needed to prevent climate catastrophe, finds new report by Gillian Spolarich
- September 20: Global Newswire: Ocean-based climate solutions can deliver nearly half the emissions reductions needed to prevent climate catastrophe, finds new report by Gillian Spolarich
- September 19: L’ADN: Amnésie écologique : pourquoi on se bouge si peu pour le climat by Peggy Baron
- September 15: The Good Men Project: Fish buffered from recent marine heatwaves, showing there’s still time to act on climate change by Alex Walls
- August 30: UBC News: Fish buffered from recent marine heatwaves, showing there’s still time to act on climate change by Alex Walls
- August 30: UCSC: Coastal fisheries show surprising resilience to marine heatwaves by Tim Stephens
- August 17: China Global South Project: South China Sea’s fish stocks are running low. China’s fishing ban isn’t helping by Hope Ngo
- August 16: CNBC: Oceans absorb 90% of the heat from climate change — here’s why record ocean temps are so harmful by Catherine Clifford
- August 16: CTVM: « L’OCÉAN VU DU COEUR » de Iolande Cadrin-Rossignol et Marie-Dominique Michaud, à l’affiche le 10 novembre 2023 prochain by Staff Writer
- August 2: Marcelle: Comme pour tes légumes, achète du poisson local et de saison by Marie Le Marois
- August 1: NewsDay.fr: La météo « pourrie » en juillet et en août 2023 ne signifie pas que le changement climatique a disparu by Pauline Brault
- August 1: Huffington Post: La météo « pourrie » en juillet et en août 2023 ne signifie pas que le changement climatique a disparu by Pauline Brault
- August 1: Kompass.id: Berburu Emas Biru by Irwan Jatmiko
- July 27: Superdeporte: Afecta més el canvi climàtic als peixos grans o als xicotets? by Ramón Díaz
- July 27: Technology News: Climate change is putting larger fish at risk by Alexander Beadle
- July 18: Phys.org: Large fish more vulnerable to climate change-induced fish kills, study finds by Sea Around Us
- July 16: Titulares.ar: Calentamiento global: cómo el fenómeno hace que los peces respiren más by Emerson Demorais
- July 15: BBC News Brazil: Aquecimento global: como fenômeno faz peixes respirarem com mais dificuldade by Nicola Jones
- July 15: TVB: 學者指市面售賣蘇眉等海洋瀕危物種 倡政府採取行動保育生態 by Staff Writer
- July 11: Brisbane Times: They caught the fish, but the $3.5 million prize got away by Brandon Sneed
- July 10: Yahoo!: They caught the fish, but the $3.5 million prize got away by Brandon Sneed
- July 10: Nouvelles Du Jour: Ils ont attrapé le poisson, mais le prix de 3,5 millions de dollars s’est envolé by Eleon Lass
- July 7: The Tyee: It’s getting harder for fish in the sea to breathe by Nicola Jones
- July 6: Sentient Media: How to stop octopus farming with Dr. Jennifer Jacquet by Ana Bradley
- July 5: Ojo al Clima: No hay suficientes peces en el mar by Knowable en Español
- July 4: Donna Moderna: Diminuisce l’ossigeno negli oceani: pesci a rischio by Staff Writer
- June 29: AquaHoy: How warmer waters from climate change affect fish’s biochemistry and growth by Sea Around Us
- June 29: Vista Al Mar: Las aguas más cálidas del cambio climático afectan la bioquímica y el crecimiento de los peces by Staff Writer
- June 28: Phys.org: How warmer waters from climate change affect biochemistry and growth of fish by Sea Around Us
- June 22: War on the Rocks: Tackling maritime security requires a revised Indo-Pacific strategy by Brandon Prins, Anup Phayal, Aaron Gold, Curie Maharani, Deng Palomares, Daniel Pauly, and Sayed Fauzan Riyadi
- June 12: Noozhawk: Shining a light on interconnectedness between societies and natural world by Keith Hamm
- June 8: Yenia Alanya: Dünya felakete gidiyor! Oksijen şimdiden çok az by Staff Writer
- June 8: TV 100: Dünyanın en büyük felaketi geliyor… Katliam yola çıktı hızla ilerliyor… Milyonlarca canlı ölümle burun buruna by Staff Writer
- June 8: Abc News: Ndryshimet klimatike po detyrojnë peshqit të braktisin habitatin e tyre by Nicola Jones
- June 8: Dagens PS: Syret sjunker snabbt i haven: Kan bli ”slutet på allt” by Torbjörn Karlgren
- June 8: BBC: As ocean oxygen levels dip, fish face an uncertain future by Nicola Jones
- June 6: Down to Earth: Merely designating an area as protected not enough, says Princeton study; here is why by Vibha Varshney
- June 6: Asia Times: Ocean sanctuaries to shape geopolitics in S China Sea by James Borton
- June 4: Grist: As ocean oxygen levels dip, fish face an uncertain future by Nicola Jones
- May: Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement: A conversation with Callum Roberts (Part 1) by Staff Writer
- May 24: Bella Caledonia: “Just Listen to the Birdsong Now” – Possibilities for people and nature in community-owned woodland by Mairi McFadyen
- May 26: Abo Underrattelser: Ljudet av ”det nya normala” – så här lät det inte när jag var liten! by Anna Törnroos-Remes
- May 24: FoititikaNea: O Καθηγητής Daniel Pauly αναγορεύτηκε Επίτιμος Διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης by Staff Writer
- May 24: Skaikritis: O Καθηγητής Daniel Pauly αναγορεύτηκε Επίτιμος Διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης by Staff Writer
- May 24: El Sol de México: Industria convierte el pescado en harina… mientras asesina playas en África by Ian Urbina
- May 23: Ekriti: O Καθηγητής Daniel Pauly αναγορεύτηκε Επίτιμος Διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης by Staff Writer
- May 23: ZarpaNews: O Καθηγητής Daniel Pauly αναγορεύτηκε Επίτιμος Διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης | Photos by Staff Writer
- May 23: Rethnea.gr: Επίτιμος διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης ο Καθηγητής Daniel Pauly by Staff Writer
- May 23: Esos.gr: O Καθηγητής Daniel Pauly αναγορεύτηκε Επίτιμος Διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης by Staff Writer
- May 23: Hellas Postsen: University of Crete: Honorary Doctor of the Department of Biology Professor Daniel Pauly (pics) – Heraklion by Staff Writer
- May 18: Huffington Post: La météo « pourrie » du mois de mai ne signifie pas que le changement climatique a disparu by Pierre Tremblay and Pauline Brault
- May 11: Yale Environment 360: As ocean oxygen levels dip, fish face an uncertain future by Nicola Jones
- May 3: Ebio Trade: Science反驳教科书:不必在生长或繁殖之间做出选择 by Staff Writer
- May 2: TF1 Info: Un temps “pourri” au mois d’avril ? Non, vous êtes juste victime du “syndrome du référentiel glissant” by Annick Berger
- May 2: UBC Science: Fish’s growth is not reduced by spawning by University of British Columbia
- April 27: EurekAlert!: Fish’s growth is not reduced by spawning by University of British Columbia
- April 27: COPE: Un estudio desmiente que el crecimiento de los peces se vea reducido por el desove by Europa Press
- April 27: Phys.org: Fish’s growth is not reduced by spawning, finds study by University of British Columbia
- April 27: Newswise: Fish’s growth is not reduced by spawning by University of British Columbia
- April 26: Oceana: Stewards of the Sea by Daniel Pauly and Rashid Sumaila
- April 26: Il Manifesto: «Meno pesca nel Mediterraneo» by Letizia Piotti
- April 11: Radio-Canada.ca: Certaines aires marines protégées ne sont que des « parcs sur papier », dénonce une étude by Chloé Dioré de Périgny
- April 11: The Saxon: Some marine protected areas are just ‘paper parks’, says study by Teilor Stone
- April 9: News.DayFR: En attendant une aquaculture plus durable, le saumon est en crise dans le Pacifique by Radio-Canada | Sophie Chevance
- April 9: Radio-Canada.ca: En attendant une aquaculture plus durable, le saumon est en crise dans le Pacifique by Sophie Chevance
- April 5: USC: USC’s ‘Assignment: Earth’ initiative takes center stage during Earth Month by Paul McQuiston
- April 5: O Heraldo: Towards fish famine by Staff Writer
- March 30: UBC President’s Office: Letter from the President – Spring 2023 by Deborah Buszard
- March 26: The Good Men Project: Experts pushing for high-seas fishing ban win ‘Nobel Prize for Environment’ by Mongabay
- March 24: News 24: Il n’y a pas d’élevage de poulpes au Canada. BC SPCA, les experts demandent au gouvernement fédéral de continuer ainsi by Merlin Charpie
- March 24: Caen.maville.com: Quatre figures de l’écologie mises à l’honneur dans une exposition au Pavillon, à Caen by Laurence Plainfossé
- March 24: Ouest France: Quatre figures de l’écologie mises à l’honneur dans une exposition au Pavillon, à Caen by Laurence Plainfossé
- March 24: Terace Standard: There are no octopus farms in Canada. BC SPCA, experts call on feds to keep it that way by Jane Skrypnek
- March 24: Phys.org: New index helps identify 55 unprotected marine protected areas by Sea Around Us
- March 22: Yahoo!: Not enough fish in the sea by Nicola Jones
- March 7: EnviroNews Nigeria: Award-winning ocean experts call for UN to ban high seas fishing at treaty talks by Staff Writer
- February 28: Oceana: CEO Note: Oceana Board Members Dr. Pauly and Dr. Sumaila awarded top environmental honor by Andy Sharpless
- February 28: Island Press: 2023 Tyler Prize Winner by Jason Leppig
- February 24: University of Southern California: Tyler Prize award ceremony returns to USC for its 50th anniversary by Paul McQuiston
- February 24: InterEmpresas: Los ganadores del Premio Tyler aseguran que la mejor solución para los océanos es no pescar en alta mar by Marta Montojo
- February 23: GreenMe: “Dovrebbe essere vietato pescare in alto mare”: chi sono i vincitori del Nobel per l’ambiente 2023, che si battono contro la pesca intensiva by Dominella Trunfio
- February 23: Le Marin: Deux chercheurs lancent une pétition pour interdire la pêche en haute mer by Staff Writer
- February 23: Green Report: Deux chercheurs lancent une pétition pour interdire la pêche en haute mer by Staff Writer
- February 23: Deeper Blue: Ocean whistleblowers calling for high seas fishing ban win environmental award by John Liang
- February 22: Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement: A Conversation with Daniel Pauly (Part 2) by Staff Writer
- February 22: Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement: A Conversation with Daniel Pauly (Part 1) by Staff Writer
- February 22: ScienceMag: UBC’s Daniel Pauly and Rashid Sumaila win Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement by Staff Writer
- February 22: Aqua: ¿Qué dicen los gremios de pesca ante las negociaciones en la ONU para un tratado de conservación de altamar? by Staff Writer
- February 22: Trade Digital News: “Tratado de Alta Mar es el proceso internacional más importante de las últimas décadas” by Javier Martínez
- February 22: Canary: Award-winning ocean experts call for UN to ban high seas fishing at treaty talks by Tracy Keeling
- February 22: Yahoo!: ‘Nobel Prize for Environment’ awarded to ocean whistleblowers calling for high seas fishing ban by Tyler Prize
- February 22: EurekAlert!: UBC’s Daniel Pauly and Rashid Sumaila win Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement by University of British Columbia
- February 22: TeleAmbiente: I vincitori del “Nobel per l’ambiente” 2023: “Bisogna vietare la pesca in alto mare” by Mario Messina
- February 22: Seafood Source: “Nobel Prize for the Environment” recipients call for ban on all fishing on the high seas by Bhavana Scalia-Bruce
- February 22: Mongabay: Experts pushing for high-seas fishing ban win ‘Nobel Prize for environment’ by Staff Writer
- February 22: The Fish Site: Fisheries critics win ‘Nobel Prize for environment’ by Staff Writer
- February 22: Vancouver is Awesome: UBC fisheries scientists land big prize by Nelson Bennett
- February 22: Business in Vancouver: UBC fisheries scientists land big prize by Nelson Bennett
- February 22: UBC Faculty of Science: UBC ocean fisheries researchers win major U.S. environmental prize by Staff Writer
- February 16: Novaator: Heitlikud ilmad kurnavad Peipsi kalavarusid by Külli Kangur
- February 11: Humanidad y Medio: Daniel Pauly: ¿Por qué estamos otorgando subsidios a la industria pesquera? by Staff Writer
- February 8: SDG IISD: IMPAC5 recognizes role of other area-based measures in protecting ocean by Staff Writer
- February 6: Radio-Canada.ca: Des Premières Nations créent une coalition pour sauver le saumon sauvage du Pacifique by Staff Writer
- February 5: Earth Negotiations Bulletin: Highlights and images for 5 February 2023 – IMPAC5 by Staff Writer
- February 3: Radio-Canada.ca: Les aires marines protégées sont-elles efficaces? by Camille Vernet
- January 27: West Coast Now: Meet the 76-year-old fisheries scientist who refuses to accept ‘destruction of biodiversity’ by Deborah Jones
- January 23: Fundación Nuestromar: El delito penal por la pesca ilegal en el Atlántico Sur by César Lerena
- January 15: France Bleu: France Bleu côté nature week end by Sylvie Fouquet
- January 5: The Good Men Project: No, it’s not really a lovely day by Andrea O’Ferrall
- December 30: Telerama: L’amnésie environnementale, ça se soigne ? by Weronika Zarachowicz
- December 23: Mongabay: Mongabay Explains: What’s all the brouhaha over bottom trawling? by Staff Writer
- December 12: Sport: China inyecta 20 millones de euros públicos al día a su industria pesquera para su expansión by Lara Graña
- December 7: Diario Do Turismo: Animais marinhos no Brasil: plástico mata 1 em cada 10 by Caroline Figueiredo
- November 30: Site Barra: Plástico mata 1 em cada 10 animais marinhos no Brasil by Staff Writer
- November 29: Brasil 61: Plástico mata 1 em cada 10 animais marinhos no Brasil by Staff Writer
- November 29: Communications and Management for Sustainability: Aquaculture over-optimism? by Staff Writer
- November 28: Center for American Progress: US Pacific territories and the America the Beautiful initiative can deliver ocean climate solutions by Angelo Villagomez
- November 21: International Business Times: World Fisheries Day: Interesting quotes about sustainability in sector, theme for the year by Suneeta Sunny
- November 14: Al Jazeera: Photos: Climate reshapes life for northern gannets on Canada isle by Staff Writer
- November 14: Mad in America: The ideology of human supremacy by Staff Writer
- October 26: Forskning: Har færre smågnagere og mer rev rasert norske rypebestander? by Cathrine Glosli
- October 25: The Tyee: Murder at sea by Sarah Tory
- October 24: iHarstad: Forskerne tror at vi aldri kommer til å se slike tilstander igjen by Lars Richard Olsen
- September 26: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon la 1ère: Le congrès international sur les sciences aquatiques se poursuit à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon by Marie-Paule Vidal
- September 23: Codigo Puebla: Lanzamiento del 2º Congreso de Ciencias Acuáticas en San Pedro y Miquelón by Prudencia Febo
- September 20: Water Bucket: Living water smart in British Columbia by Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia
- August 29: Global Seafood Alliance: Ocean seeding and blue corridors: Can these approaches effectively safeguard fisheries? by Bonnie Waycott
- August 27: Lookcharms.com: Images of a worldwide disaster by Staff Writer
- August 18: L’Express: Les poissons de l’Arctique intéressent la Chine by Nelly Giudici
- August 24: Tasting Table: The international commission that manages tuna protection standards by Felix Behr
- August 16: Fatos Desconhecidos: O que é a amnésia geracional, perda de memória que afeta o planeta by Maria Luiza Valeriano
- August 10: Hdhy: 집중 비판받는 TAC 개선방안은? by 박 종면
- August 9: CodeBlue: Mapping the fish highways we should be protecting by Staff Writer
- August 5: Phys.org: Local stakeholder involvement key to understanding protection level of marine protected areas by Sea Around Us
- August 5: RCInet: Les poissons de l’Arctique intéressent la Chine by Nelly Guidici
- July 27: Codigo Puebla: Las medusas invaden los océanos enfermos by Prudencia Febo
- July 27: Reporterre: Les méduses envahissent les océans malades by Hortense Chauvin et Mathieu Génon
- July 26: Lab Manager: Trilobites’ growth may have resembled that of modern marine crustaceans by University of British Columbia
- July 26: Nature World News: New trilobites fossil revealed a resemblance to modern crustaceans by Paw Mozter
- July 26: Actualité Houssenia Writing: La croissance des trilobites pourrait avoir ressemblé à celle des crustacés marins modernes by Staff Writer
- July 26: Terra Daily: Trilobites’ growth may have resembled that of modern marine crustaceans by Staff Writer
- July 25: EurekAlert: Trilobites’ growth may have resembled that of modern marine crustaceans by University of British Columbia
- July 25: Phys.org: Trilobites’ growth may have resembled that of modern marine crustaceans by University of British Columbia
- July 25: ScienceDaily: Trilobites’ growth may have resembled that of modern marine crustaceans by University of British Columbia
- July 25: Epirus News Portal: TΗ ανάπτυξη τριλοβίτη μπορεί να είναι παρόμοια με αυτή των σύγχρονων θαλάσσιων καρκινοειδών by Panayiota Geroti
- July 14: Italia Che Cambia: È ora di vietare la pesca a strascico, insostenibile sia per l’ecosistema che per l’economia by Staff Writer
- July 7: Notre Planete: Pêche : les coûts réels du chalutage de fond en Mer Méditerranée by Staff Writer
- June 28: Netzfrauen: China fragt nicht, China nimmt einfach- Chinas Fischereiflotten zerstören die Ozeane der Welt by Staff Writer
- June 22: Dnoticias: Pesca de arrasto acelera crise ecológica no Mediterraneo by Agencia Lusa
- June 22: Radio-Canada: Sursis de 2 ans pour l’industrie du saumon d’élevage sur la côte ouest by Sophie Chevance
- June 21: El Mundo Financiero: Un nuevo estudio expone los verdaderos costes de la pesca de arrastre by Redacción
- June 21: COPE: Pesca de arrastre acelera crisis ecológica del Mediterráneo, según un estudio by Agencia EFE
- June 21: EFE Verde: Pesca de arrastre acelera crisis ecológica del Mediterráneo, según un estudio by Redacción EFEverde
- June 21: Eat This, Not That: 5 Truths about the seafood industry that will make you lose your appetite by John Anderer
- June 9: VOA News: Vietnam protesting China’s fishing ban in waters Hanoi claims by Vien Dong
- June 8: SCWIST: World Oceans Day: Access to information and sustainable development by Staff Writer
- June 7: PR Newswire: Walton Family Foundation urges action on seafood traceability ahead of World Oceans Day by Staff Writer
- June 7: Perishable News: Walton Family Foundation urges action on seafood traceability ahead of World Oceans Day by Staff Writer
- May 25: Universidad de la Frontera: Charlas del Congreso Futuro Araucanía 2022 “Aprender a Convivir” by Staff Writer
- May 17: Vista al Mar: Mapean los ‘corredores azules’ más concurridos del Pacífico by Staff Writer
- May 17: ScienceAlert: Mapping the Pacific’s busiest ‘blue corridors’ could help us save fish populations by Carly Casella
- May 16: CNN: Opinion: Orange County fire magnifies a stunning truth about climate change by John D. Sutter
- May 15: En Segundos: Nuevo mapa interactivo de prácticas pesqueras indígenas en las costas del Pacífico by Staff Writer
- May 13: Industrias Pesqueras: Identificados cuatro corredores “azules” del Pacífico a proteger para mejorar la gestión de los grandes pelágicos by Staff Writer
- May 12: Global Seafood: Study pinpoints Pacific Ocean priority areas to consider for marine conservation by Staff Writer
- May 12: Radio-Canada online: Il faut protéger des corridors marins de l’Océan Pacifique, disent des chercheurs by Dominique Lévesque
- May 10: Phys.org: New research pinpoints ‘blue corridors’ for highly migratory fish by University of British Columbia
- May 10: Actualité Houssenia Writing: De nouvelles recherches identifient les «couloirs bleus» pour les poissons grands migrateurs by Staff Writer
- May 10: Blank World Map: New research points to ‘blue corridors’ for highly migratory fish by Sunil Sharma
- May 10: Mais Conhecer: Nova pesquisa identifica ‘corredores azuis’ para peixes altamente migratórios by Universidade da Colúmbia Britânica
- May 10: Verve Times: A new study identifies ‘blue corridors’ for extremely high migratory fish by Addrew Shawn
- May 10: Nature World News: A new study identifies ‘blue corridors’ for extremely high migratory fish by Paw Mozter
- May 10: ZME Science: Large ocean fish need ‘Blue Corridors’ to thrive — we now know where these should be established by Alexandru Micu
- May 10: Notizie Scientifiche: Ricercatori individuano 4 “corridoi blu” usati dai pesci per migrare nell’oceano Pacifico by Staff Writer
- May 10: Earth.com: Experts pinpoint “blue corridors” for large migratory fish by Andrei Ionescu
- May 9: Science Daily: New research pinpoints ‘blue corridors’ for highly migratory fish by University of British Columbia
- May 9: EurekAlert: New research pinpoints ‘blue corridors’ for highly migratory fish by University of British Columbia
- April 22: Yahoo!: Sushi as we know it will not survive. Can the restaurant industry reinvent it? by Aliza Abarbanel
- April 4: Yeşil Gazete: Met Office bu yazdan itibaren daha az sıcak dalgası ilan edecek by Staff Writer
- March 31: Scoop News: Can we have our fish and eat it too? by University of Auckland
- March 31: Swift Telecast: Sea sponges need oxygen, as fish and people do by Craig Fedirighi
- March 30: Phys.org: Sea sponges need oxygen, as fish and people do by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud
- March 28: Vista al Mar: Proteger el 30 % de los océanos para 2030 apenas afectaría a la pesca by Staff Writer
- March 25: Verve Times: Protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030 would barely impact fisheriess by Addrew Shawn
- March 25: Phys.org: Protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030 would barely impact fisheries by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud
- March 25: Equal Times: Will 2022 mark a turning point in the regulation or banning of bottom trawling? by Annick Berger
- March 23: EPeopleToday: FAO 부의장에 이어 600여명 학회 수장으로 by Seo Seong-won
- March 23: EIN PressWire: Herring fishery collapses on Canada’s Pacific Coast by Conservancy Hornby Island
- March 23: Wicz: Herring fishery collapses on Canada’s Pacific Coast by Staff Writer
- March 17: ASU News: 2 ASU women featured in statue exhibit in Washington, D.C. by Mary Beth Faller
- March 9: Mongabay: Climate change set to upend global fishery agreements, study warns by Spoorthy Raman
- February 28: Oceana Canada: Four Black scientists making a difference for our oceans by Sarah Cameron
- February 17: The Orcasonian: Story map shows the importance of revitalizing Indigenous mariculture practices by Staff Writer
- February 15: Pousta: Hablamos con el científico que predijo el Aguacalipsis by Alexis Paiva Mack
- February 14: Florida News Times: New models help predict early spawning of fish caused by climate change by Kate Winslet
- February 14: Gossip Italiano: Il nuovo modello aiuta a prevedere la deposizione delle uova precoce nei pesci indotta dai cambiamenti climatici by Colombano Russo
- February 14: Vista Al Mar: Nuevo modelo ayuda a predecir el desove temprano de los peces inducido por el cambio climático by Staff Writer
- February 14:7Seizh: Un nouveau modèle aide à prédire le frai précoce des poissons causé par le changement climatique by Florence Mercier
- February 14: F1 Mundial: Nuevo modelo ayuda a predecir el desove temprano inducido por el cambio climático en los peces by Prudencia Febo
- February 14: Phys.org: New model helps predict climate change-induced early spawning in fish by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud
- February 8: Informativo Hoy: Estrenaron proyecto internacional “El Pueblo es el Mar” documental sobre la Bahía San Antonio by Staff Writer
- February 8: Outremers 360: Nouvelle-Calédonie : Le Comité scientifique du parc naturel de la mer de Corail renouvelé by Jean-Tenahe Faatau
- February 7: Riauaktual: Ikan nila dari danau Toba laku keras di pasar ekspor by Staff Writer
- February 5: Tribun News: Ikan nila dari danau Toba, kualitas premium di pasar dunia by Hendra Gunawan
- February 5: Wartaekonomi: Ikan nila danau Toba: Kualitas premium di pasar dunia by Sufri Yuliardi
- February 2: Storeys: Here’s how to celebrate Black History Month in Toronto by Staff Writer
- February 1: Daily Hive: 10 ways to celebrate Black History Month in Toronto by Kamille Coppin
- January 31: Heidi News: Chalutage: 60% des aires marines protégées en Europe subissent la pêche industrielle by Sandra Miura
- January 27: Oceana Brasil: Como podemos recuperar a pesca, que está no limite? by Beatriz Ribeiro
- January 23: Interferencia: Daniel Pauly, el científico especializado en pesqueras más citado del mundo: “La salmonicultura es una aberración” by Diego Ortiz
- January 21: Heidi News: Chalutage: le label MSC pêche en eaux troubles by Sandra Miura
- January 18: Futuro 360: Daniel Pauly: “Las pesqueras y el calentamiento global van a tener un gran impacto en los sistemas marinos” by Staff Writer
- January 17: Haichan Info: 缺氧会触发鱼类产卵?研究人员找到了新证据!
by Staff Writer - January 16: UC Radio Beethoven: 11° Congreso Futuro: Aprender a convivir by Staff Writer
- January 15: Gilmore Health News: New research confirms link between respiratory stress and sexual maturation in fish by Mary Moore
- January 14: Heidi News: Le chalutage, ce destructeur des fonds marins by Sandra Miura
- January 13: The Fish Site: Researchers identify link between respiratory stress and fish reproduction by Staff Writer
- January 12: Universidad de la Frontera: Congreso Futuro Araucanía da a conocer su programación y expertos invitados para su versión 2022 by Staff Writer
- January 12: El Mostrador: Congreso Futuro: en su versión 2022 pondrá sobre la mesa “discusiones necesarias para convivir en este nuevo hábitat” by Mesa de Noticias
- January 10: Mis Peces: Una teoría relaciona el tamaño de los peces con la inducción a la reproducción by Staff Writer
- January 8: Earth.com: Respiratory stress is linked to the sexual maturation of fish by Andrei Ionescu
- January 8: News Concerns: Data confirm link between respiratory stress and fish reproduction by Harry Jones
- January 7: Vista Al Mar: Los datos confirman el vínculo entre el estrés respiratorio y la reproducción de los peces by Staff Writer
- January 7: Verve Times: Data confirm the link between respiratory stress and fish reproduction by Addrew Shawn
- January 7: EurekAlert: Data confirm the link between respiratory stress and fish breeding by University of British Columbia
- January 7: Florida News Times: Data confirm the link between respiratory stress and fish breeding by Kate Winslet
- January 7: Phys.org: Data confirm link between respiratory stress and fish reproduction by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud
- January 5: Macau Business: Guinea-Bissau: China ambassador calls for more bilateral ties, industrial park by AFP
- January 4: Futuro 360: Los especialistas que llegarán a La Araucanía por el Congreso Futuro 2022 by Staff Writer
- January 3: Packaging News Online: La pesca de arrastre de fondo denunciada como la peor técnica de pesca by Betty Foster
- January 3: The Times Hub: Bottom trawling denounced as the worst fishing technique by Natasha Kumar
- January 3: Isola News: La pesca a strascico denunciata come la peggiore tecnica di pesca by Marco Ibano
- December 28: Very International People: Daniel Pauly on preventing the end of fish by Staff Writer
- December 15: Seafood Source: Scientists pen letter to Congress urging SIMP expansion by Steve Bittenbender
- December 13: Yahoo!: Over 100 scientists call on Congress to end illegal fishing, seafood fraud, and human rights abuses in U.S. seafood supply chain by Oceana
- December 9: COPE: Informe sitúa a España en puesto 10 en emisiones CO2 por pesca de arrastre by EFEAgro
- November 29: France Info: A Nice, les méduses de la mer Méditerranée sont cuisinées en beignets by Véronique Lupo
- November 26: Kárpátinfo: Eltöröltek egy természetvédelmi területet by Staff Writer
- November 26: Perishable News: Ask Oceana’s Dr. Pauly: What is sustainability? by Staff Writer
- November 25: Origo: Eltöröltek egy természetvédelmi területet by Staff Writer
- November 16: Universidad Católica del Norte: “Aprender a convivir”, es el objetivo de Congreso del Futuro 2022 by Staff Writer
- November 15: El Periodista: Congreso Futuro 2022 contará con 80 expositores de 20 países by Staff Writer
- November 15: Cooperativa: Bajo el lema “Aprender a convivir” se realizará el Congreso Futuro 2022 by Cooperativa.cl/li>
- November 15: Senado República de Chile: Congreso Futuro 2022: Aprender a convivir by El Mostrador Cultura
- November 15: Senado República de Chile: Todo listo y dispuesto para el 11°Congreso Futuro: “Aprender a convivir” by Staff Writer
- November 8: Waterbucket eNews newsletter: Generational amnesia: The memory loss that harms the planet by Kim Stephens
- November 3: One Green Planet: We’re turning the oceans into floating farms – all for one unnecessary reason by Kate Good
- November 1: Lab Manager: Nearly 300 scientists ask the WTO to ban harmful fisheries subsidies by University of British Columbia
- November 1: Aquahoy: Nearly 300 scientists ask the WTO to ban harmful fisheries subsidies by University of British Columbia
- October 30: Forskning: Vi merker ikke angrepet på naturen fordi vi har glemt hvordan den så ut, ifølge forskere by Niklas Asp Nielsen
- October 30: Mirage News: Nearly 300 scientists ask WTO to ban harmful fisheries subsidies by Staff Writer
- October 29: EurekAlert!: Nearly 300 scientists ask the WTO to ban harmful fisheries subsidies by University of British Columbia
- October 29: Mirage News: UWA scientists join international push to ban harmful fisheries subsidies by Staff Writer
- October 29: Phys.org: Scientists join international push to ban harmful fisheries subsidies by University of Western Australia
- October 26: The Canadian: Fisheries scientist Daniel Pauly’s life is one for the books by Dana Gee
- October 26: Phys: What really makes fish become sexually active by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud, Sea Around Us
- October 28: Florida News Times: Why fish really get sexually active by Kate Winslet
- October 25: Revista Puerto: “España es a Europa lo que China al mundo” by Karina Fernández
- October 23: Market Research Telecast: Why a lack of fish droppings endangers carbon sequestration in the ocean by MRT
- October 23: Genk: Khoa học cho thấy phân cá rất quan trọng đối với hóa học đại dương: Bức tường thành giúp chúng ta chống lại biến đổi khí hậu trên trái đất by Stephen Thái
- October 22: Sputnik: ¿Cómo y cuánto se pesca en el mundo? Estas son las cifras by Staff Writer
- October 8: EFE Verde: Las subvenciones perjudiciales a la pesca ponen en peligro el océano y los medios de subsistencia by Ingrid van Wees
- October 8: News 24: Le caca de poisson modifie la chimie des océans et aide à atténuer le changement climatique by Gaspar Bazinet
- October 8: EZ Anime: La caca de pescado cambia la química del océano y ayuda a mitigar el cambio climático by Staff Writer
- October 8: Vox: Climate scientists should pay more attention to fish poop. Really. by Benji Jones
- October 6: Wild Project: Actualités by Staff Writer
- September 30: Thiên nhiên: Đội tàu cá Trung Quốc vơ vét vùng biển Nam Mỹ by Duy Anh-Zing News
- September 30: Zing News: Đội tàu cá Trung Quốc vơ vét vùng biển Nam Mỹ by Duy Anh
- September 29: Bella Caledonia: The Dead Guillemot Society by George Gunn
- September 29: Supereva: La nazione dove si mangiano più frutti di mare by Staff Writer
- September 27: Univision: El Gran Muro de la Luz: cómo barcos chinos están esquilmando los recursos marinos en Sudamérica by Joshua Goodman
- September 24: US News: Small Fry: Peru’s fishermen battle China’s overseas fleet by Associated Press
- September 24: EurekAlert: Dr. Daniel Pauly’s extraordinary life and work revealed in new book by Staff Writer
- September 24: WNYT.com: Small fry: Peru’s fishermen battle China’s overseas fleet by Joshua Goodman
- September 24: UBC News: Dr. Daniel Pauly’s extraordinary life and work revealed in new book by Staff Writer
- October 22: Heide: Warum fehlender Fischkot die Kohlenstoff-Bindung im Ozean gefährdet by Bettina Wurche
- September 24: ScienceMag: Dr. Daniel Pauly’s extraordinary life and work revealed in new book by Staff Writer
- September 24: Bajo Palabra: Flotas pesqueras chinas agotan las poblaciones de peces del mundo; depredan océanos by Redacción
- September 21: Swiss Info: Lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2021 by Staff Writer
- September 20: The Tyee: After cod, shrimp. After shrimp? Mud by David Grémillet
- September 20: 20 Minutos: El Euskalduna de Bilbao acoge el concierto de los XII y XIII Premios Fundación BBVA Fronteras del Conocimiento by Staff Writer
- August 31: El Mostrador: Qué es la amnesia generacional, la pérdida de memoria que sufrimos todos en algún momento by BBC News Mundo
- August 31: Eurasia Review: High cod catches could have been sustained in Eastern Canada for decades by Staff Writer
- August 31: Rossa Primavera: Высокий улов трески в Канаде мог сохраняться еще очень долго — исследование by Staff Writer
- August 30: Phys.org: High cod catches could have been sustained in Eastern Canada for decades, simple stock assessment method shows by University of British Columbia
- August 15: BBC News Afrique: Amnésie générationnelle : que signifie cette perte de mémoire dont nous souffrons tous à un moment ou à un autre ? by Richard Fisher
- August 14: Radio-Canada: La cuisine végétalienne serait-elle une solution à la surpêche? by Justine Beaulieu-Poudrier
- August 12: BBC Mundo: Qué es la amnesia generacional, la pérdida de memoria que sufrimos todos en algún momento by Richard Fisher
- August 8: MSN: Ráfázunk, ha azt a világot vesszük természetesnek, amit az előző generációk ránk hagytak by Bodnár Zsolt
- August 8: BBC News Brasil: Amnésia geracional: a perda de memória que prejudica o planeta by Richard Fisher
- July 31: Reflections on Papers Past: Revisiting Pauly et al. 1998 by Hari Sridhar
- July 30: American Association for the Advancement of Science: A career spanning over 50 years, Daniel Pauly now sets his sights on one last theory by Owen Kibenge
- July 17: Wysokieobcasy: Wszystkich nas dotyka pokoleniowa amnezja. Lasu, przy którym mieszkam, moja babka nie uznałaby w ogóle za las by Irena Cieślińska
- July 17: WTVB: Explainer: What’s at stake in WTO talks on fishing rules? by Emma Farge – Reuters
- July 15: EconomiaFinanza.net: Qual è la posta in gioco nei negoziati dell’OMC sulle regole della pesca?Reuters by Reuters
- July 15: ThaiFRX: อะไรคือความเสี่ยงในการเจรจา WTO เกี่ยวกับกฎการประมง? โดย Reuters by Messi
- July 15: Rappler: EXPLAINER: What’s at stake in WTO talks on fishing rules? by Reuters
- July 14: The Health Guild: WTO’s reputation rides on upcoming deal to curb overfishing by TheHealthReporter
- July 14: Al Jazeera: WTO’s reputation rides on upcoming deal to curb overfishing by Reuters
- July 13: MSN: WTO seeks to land big prize after 20 years of fish talks by Emma Farge
- July 13: Yahoo! Finance: WTO seeks to land big prize after 20 years of fish talks by Emma Farge
- July 13: Texas News Today: WTO is about to win a big prize after 20 years of fish discussions by Emma Farge
- July 13: Reuters China: 全球渔业谈判历经漫漫20年 世贸组织期望就缩减补贴达成协议 by Reuters Staff
- July 13: Reuters: WTO seeks to land big prize after 20 years of fish talks by Emma Farge
- July 7: US News: Explainer: What’s at stake in WTO talks on fishing rules? by Reuters
- July 7: Thaifrx: อะไรคือความเสี่ยงในการเจรจา WTO เกี่ยวกับกฎการประมง? โดย Reuters by Messi
- July 7: Reuters: Explainer: What’s at stake in WTO talks on fishing rules? by Emma Farge
- July 7: Mongabay: Billions in fishing subsidies finance social, ecological harm, report finds by Elizabeth Claire Alberts
- July 6: Resilience: The ideology of human supremacy by Jeremy Lent
- July 2: BBC Indonesia: ‘Generasi yang amnesia’: Mengapa bisa terjadi dan apa akibatnya? by Staff Writer
- June 30: Phys: A few missing fish: US West Coast recreational and discarded catches by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud
- June 29: The Fish Site: Nutritional tool creators question the value of using fishmeal for animal feeds by Staff Writer
- June 24: Mongabay: Decades of research back the value of marine reserves to Kenya’s fisheries by Elizabeth Claire Alberts
- June 24: Vox: How Indigenous memories can help save species from extinction by Karen Pinchin
- June 23: Arena4g: O celacanto pode viver um século. Isso não é uma boa notícia by Staff Writer
- June 19: India Education Diary: Lancaster University: Fish nutrition database to help combat malnutrition across the globe by Staff Writer
- June 18: Mirage News: Fish nutrition database to help combat malnutrition across globe by Staff Writer
- June 17: EurekAlert: Fish nutrition database to help combat malnutrition across the globe by Staff Writer
- June 17: Bloomberg: Want cleaner, healthier salmon? Raise them on land by Danielle Bochove
- June 7: Mind Body Green Planet: Freaked out by Seaspiracy? 6 sustainable seafood lessons the documentary missed by Emma Loewe
- June 7: China Dialogue: Seaspiracy, in the eyes of the experts by Jessica Aldred and Zhang Chun
- May 28: Imagen Radio: Un estudio busca el origen de las redes fantasma que acechan las costas de Hawái by AP
- May 27: Hawai’i Public Radio: HPU study seeks origins of ghost nets that haunt Hawaii’s shores by Caleb Jones
- May 27: Fox News: Study seeks origins of Hawaii’s dangerous ghost nets by Associate Press
- May 27: Artesia Daily Press: Study seeks origins of ghost nets that haunt Hawaii’s shores by Associate Press
- May 27: ABC News: Study seeks origins of ghost nets that haunt Hawaii’s shores by Caleb Jones
- May 27: WNYT: Study seeks origins of ghost nets that haunt Hawaii’s shores by Caleb Jones
- May 26: Yahoo!: Study seeks origins of ghost nets that haunt Hawaii’s shores by Caleb Jones
- May 26: Associated Press: Study seeks origins of ghost nets that haunt Hawaii’s shores by Caleb Jones
- May 26: The World News: L’allarme: «Basta sfruttare l’Oceano» by Anna Bonalume
- May 26: L’Espresso: L’allarme: «Basta sfruttare l’Oceano» by Anna Bonalume
- May 14: SeafoodSource: China’s seafood demand could triple, researchers predict by Mark Godfrey
- May 11: Inhabitat: Leatherback sea turtles are disappearing from the West Coast by Bonface Landi
- May 10: Totally Vegan Buzz: Paul McCartney tells 4.1 million followers that ‘everyone should watch’ Seaspiracy by Mohsina Dodhiya
- May 6: Resilience.org: Nature detachment and ecocide, or… the story of the marauding mountain lion (Episode 40 of Crazy Town) by Asher Miller, Rob Dietz, Jason Bradford
- May 5: Y Net: אוכלים (דגים) ולא בוכים… by פרופ’ אביגדור אבלסון
- April 28: 2 Oceans Vibe News: Marine Experts Recommend Watching These Three Doccies Instead Of ‘Seaspiracy’ by Staff Writer
- April 22: Teleshow.wp: Anna Lewandowska dała się zmanipulować. Naukowcy ostrzegają, że to stek kłamstw by Staff Writer
- April 22: Gamers Grade: Small-scale fisheries can back food security efforts in Arabian Sea countries by Jason Junior
- April 22: Phys: Small-scale fisheries can back food security efforts in Arabian Sea countries by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud
- April 21: Saving Seafood: Seaspiracy’s lasting impact on sustainable seafood businesses by Jack Cheney
- April 20: Ubrand: 看《海洋陰謀》了嗎?該怎麼看這部Netflix紀錄片 by Yan Ning
- April 19: RTV SLO: Krvavi škampi in mreže duhov – je veganstvo res edina rešitev za oceane? by Kaja Sajovic
- April 17: VOA Learning English: Major drop in leatherback sea turtle population off US West Coast by Associated Press, adapted by Bryan Lynn
- April 17: EcoWarrior Princess: Seaspiracy concludes ‘fishing is bad, go vegan’, but just how feasible is this? by Polly Cunanan
- April 15: Fact: Seaspiracy: Che cosa non torna nel documentario Netflix contro la pesca by Staff Writer
- April 13: Weixin qq: 译文:放弃海鲜并不是拯救海洋的最佳方式 by Daniel Pauly
- April 13: Marseille News: Ce que Seaspiracy de Netflix se trompe à propos de la pêche, expliqué par un biologiste marin by Staff Writer
- April 13: Ezanime: Lo que Seaspiracy de Netflix se equivoca sobre la pesca, explicado por un biólogo marino by Staff Writer
- April 13: Joe: What Netflix’s Seaspiracy gets wrong about fishing, according to a marine biologist by Claudia Mcinerney
- April 13: Vice: ‘Seaspiracy’ criticized for anti-Inuit racism after targeting seal hunt by Anya Zoledziowski
- April 13: Vox: What Netflix’s Seaspiracy gets wrong about fishing, explained by a marine biologist by Daniel Pauly
- April 13: University of Western Australia: New video data to help conserve fish populations by UWA
- April 12: 15min.it: Edita Grudzinskaitė: Apie tinklų kabinimą ant ausų ir žuvininkystės įstatymo priešaušrio sutemas by Edita Grudzinskaitė
- April 10: Radio-Canada: SOS: océans en détresse by Maxime Poiré and Bernard Laroche
- April 10: Origo: Drámai módon csökkent a kérgesteknősök száma Kalifornia partjainál by Staff Writer
- April 8: ATV: Újabb faj veszélyben: harminc éven belül eltűnhetnek a kérgesteknősök Kaliforniából by Gillian Flaccus and Haven Daley, Associated Press
- April 8: Yahoo!: Steep decline in giant sea turtles seen off US West Coast by Gillian Flaccus and Haven Daley, Associated Press
- April 8: CTV News: Steep decline in giant sea turtles seen off U.S. West Coast by Gillian Flaccus and Haven Daley, Associated Press
- April 8: ABC News: Steep decline in giant sea turtles seen off US West Coast by Gillian Flaccus and Haven Daley, Associated Press
- April 8: The Associated Press: Steep decline in giant sea turtles seen off US West Coast by Gillian Flaccus and Haven Daley
- April 1: The Fish Site: Why stress causes smaller tilapia to spawn by Staff Writer
- March 31: Earth.com: Tilapias stunt their own growth to survive stressful conditions by Chrissy Sexton
- March 31: Science Daily: Tilapias are not precocious, they are just resilient by University of British Columbia
- March 31: My Droll: Dwarfism is a response to overcrowding stress by Mohammed Mujtaba Khan
- March 31: Alpha Galileo: Tilapias are not precocious, they are just resilient by University of British Columbia
- March 31: EurekAlert: Tilapias are not precocious, they are just resilient by University of British Columbia
- March 31: Phys.org: Tilapia farming: Dwarfism is a response to overcrowding stress by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud, Sea Around Us
- February 26: Phys.org: Changing the way we conduct research: advocating for sustainability science by Valérie Verdier, Olivier Dangles, Philippe Charvis, Philippe Cury
- February 25: The Conversation: Changing the way we conduct research: advocating for sustainability science by Valérie Verdier, Olivier Dangles, Philippe Charvis, Philippe Cury
- February 25: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management: Traditional knowledge from fish common names in FishBase by Liliana Sierra Castillo
- February 25: Poinformowani.pl: Łosoś pacyficzny zagrożony wyginięciem przez zmiany klimatyczne by Aleksandra Bazelak
- February 23: News Penguin: ‘연어’도 멸종위기… 연어에게 내려진 사형 선고 by Hu-rim Lee
- February 22: Newsroom: Ecological decline can no longer prop our economy by Stephen Knight-Lenihan
- February 11: Florida News Times: Rising water temperatures could result in the death penalty for Pacific salmon by Kate Winslet
- February 11: Phys.org: Rising water temperatures could be a death sentence for Pacific salmon by Kelcie Walther
- February 10: State of the Planet: Rising water temperatures could be a death sentence for Pacific salmon by Kelcie Walther
- February 6: IRD Le Mag: Changing the way we conduct research: advocating for sustainability science by Valérie Verdier, Olivier Dangles, Philippe Charvis, Philippe Cury
- February 1: Xa Luan: Chỉ trong 50 năm, 70% số lượng cá mập trên toàn thế giới đã biến mất by Itech Nguyen
- January 29: Genk: Thế giới đã mất 70% số cá mập chỉ trong 50 năm by Tan Minh
- January 29: Sentient Media: The rise of an empire by Ian Urbina
- January 28: Gizmodo: The world has lost 70% of its sharks in 50 years by Dharna Noor
- January 27: EcoAvant: ¿Por qué la reserva marina de Tristan da Cunha es un gran paso para la preservación del Atlántico? by Susana Núñez Lendo
- January 16: Vet Candy: Popular seafood species in sharp decline around the world by Staff Writer
- January 12: FIS: La pesca ilegal de los recursos migratorios argentinos delito penal y contrabando by César Augusto Lerena
- January 10: UOL: Como sapos na panela by Fernanda Schimdt
- January 10: The Wire Science: Shifting baselines: Our elders’ stories can tell us how good our future can be by Madhu Ramnath
- January 7: Earth.com: Gill development and water temperatures limit fish growth by Chrissy Sexton
- January 7: AZO Life Sciences: Scientists need to look at unique fish biology through a different lens reviewed by Emily Henderson
- January 6: Axios: “Shifting baselines” are changing what normal means by Bryan Walsh
- January 6: EurekAlert: Scientists need to understand how gill development limits fish growth by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud – Sea Around Us
- January 6: Phys.org: Scientists need to understand how gill development limits fish growth by Valentina Ruiz-Leotaud – Sea Around Us