On Janurary 21st the Sea Around Us published in the journal Nature Communications the results of over a decade of research.
Data were collected from over 200 countries and territories to reconstruct the amount of fish that is being pulled out of our oceans.
After the research was published, media from around the world reported on the story. Here is just a sampling of those stories:
The Guardian – Overfishing causing global catches to fall three times faster than estimated
The Washington Post – Why we’ve been hugely underestimating the overfishing of the oceans
BBC – Global fishing catch significantly under-reported, says study
Nature News – Independent study tallies ‘true catch’ of global fishing
Le Monde (France) – La surpêche et le déclin des ressources ont été largement sous-estimés
El Pais (Spain) – La humanidad pesca 32 millones de toneladas de peces a escondidas
O Globo (Brazil) – Peso do pescado global é subestimado, diz pesquisa