
Daniel Pauly talks climate change and fisheries in Peru

The Sea Around Us Principal Investigator, Daniel Pauly, is in Peru attending a series of meetings this week and is scheduled to offer a couple of public talks to discuss his most recent research on climate change and global marine fisheries.

The first event will take place on Thursday, April 19th at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, where he will talk about the impact of fisheries and global warming on marine ecosystems.

Daniel in Peru

The following day, Friday, April 20th, he will be at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos talking about the impacts of climate change on the growth of fish or the gill-oxygen limitation theory.

Daniel GOLT talks Peru

The events have been organized with the support of Jaime Mendo, professor at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, and Noelia Valderrama Bhraunxs, student of biological sciences at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.